Jest Mock Set, Reset and Clear - Code with Hugo - Nov 12th 2019
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Jest set, clear and reset mock/spy/stub implementation: Between test runs we need mocked/spied on imports and functions to be reset so that assertions don’t fail due to stale calls (from a previous test).
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Tailwind CSS 1.x impressions, development and production setup for static sites with Tailwind CLI and PurgeCSS CLI: Tailwind CSS is “a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs”.
Super-powered newsletter content with Pocket and Netlify Lambda: An example Netlify Lambda to fetch all “newsletter” posts from Pocket.
Jest .fn() and .spyOn() spy/stub/mock assertion reference: Where other JavaScript testing libraries would lean on a specific stub/spy library like Sinon - Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.
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