Integrate Python/Ruby/PHP/shell with Node.js - Code with Hugo - Feb 4th 2019
Hot off the press
More JavaScript shenanigans this week:
How to integrate any shell/executable with Node.js, gotchas and their workarounds. Example with a dummy Python script.
A settings snippet to disable VSCode autocomplete/IntelliSense: great for presenting
If you missed it
Reactive Streams/Observables are awesome, here’s an example of Better HTTP Polling in JavaScript with RxJS 5
Last week I gave a talk, here’s the write-up: Async JavaScript: history, patterns and gotchas.
I’m working on an “Everyday git pro cheatsheet”, so here’s something related: Split an existing git commit
From the web
How to disable autocompletion and intellisense in Microsoft Visual Studio Code, the place where I got the VSCode snippet in that gist above.
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