Enable your CDN on Netlify - Code with Hugo - Apr 1st 2019
Hot off the press
Enable CDN (Cloudflare) caching for your Netlify site: Netlify likes it when you use their CDN, but if you’ve got Cloudflare in front, you need to manually re-enable the Cache-Control headers.
If you missed it
Sequelize Data Types: a practical guide: DataTypes are core to the Sequelize 4 library, here’s a walkthrough of them.
Post Frequency: from prototype to production with Vue + Node: If you want to ship, use the tools you know.
Docker Compose Local HTTPS with nginx or Caddy and mkcert: A solution to serve your Dockerized application on Docker Compose with TLS/SSL locally by leveraging a HTTPS reverse-proxy and mkcert.
Deployment options: Netlify + Dokku on DigitalOcean or Hetzner Cloud vs now.sh, GitHub Pages, Heroku and AWS: Settling on a Netlify + Dokku on DigitalOcean (for US) or Hetzner Cloud (for EU) deployment stack for JavaScript and Node.
From the web
Developing Kubernetes Services at Airbnb Scale - Slides to a great talk by @melaniecebula given this month, about how Airbnb run Kubernetes.
All About mailto: Links - A mailto link refresher post from by Chris Coyier from CSS Tricks.
How do You Structure Your Code When Moving Your API from Express to Serverless Functions? - Great write-up by John Papa on how you would architect moving from Express to serverless offerings.
More Serverless coming next week.