Dokku and deployment - Code with Hugo - 21st Jan 2019
Since I've been writing a lot more backend JavaScript recently, I'll be publishing more around JS patterns, asynchronous behaviour etc, that are semi-obvious to me, but maybe not to everyone.
Hot off the press
My latest post follows on from Deployment options: Netlify + Dokku on DigitalOcean vs, GitHub Pages, Heroku and AWS, where I explained my side-project stack (the day job gets all the fancy AWS/GCP/Kubernetes/Docker goodness it wants).
Connect to MongoDB on Dokku with your local command line or Robo3T: connect to your database hosted on Dokku with local tools.
If you missed it
React vs Angular vs Vue in 2019: How components won the “framework wars”
Sequelize Data Types: a practical guide
JavaScript “is array” in-depth
From the web
The curious case of the Raspberry Pi in the network closet: investigating what the hell that Raspberry Pi was doing.
Is DocumentDB Really PostgreSQL?: if you don't know, AWS announced DocumentDB, which is a MongoDB-compatible database offering (since MongoDB changed the license so that they're the only ones allowed to offer it as a service), this post talks about how it might be powered by Postgres under the hood.
Tech Choices I Regret at Spectrum: excellent recap of tech decisions Max Stoiber made at Spectrum (a chat/community tool recently acquired by GitHub).
The Twelve-Factor App: always a good read to remind ourselves of how we should build applications that are easy to operate.
If you're still here, feel free to head over to and have a browser, hit me up on Twitter