Disable an Anchor Tag - Code with Hugo - Aug 18th 2020
Welcome to the 89th Edition of the Code with Hugo newsletter about JavaScript, Node.js & Enterprise patterns.
Here are 3 links I think are worth your time this week,
“Disable a HTML <a> link/anchor tag” Here are 2 ways to disable a HTML <a> link/anchor element using CSS or by using inline JavaScript. (2 min read) : https://codewithhugo.com/disable-html-anchor/
Syntax highlighting is a waste of an information channel (2 min read): https://buttondown.email/hillelwayne/archive/syntax-highlighting-is-a-waste-of-an-information/
Roll Your Own Frameworks (2 min read): https://blog.startifact.com/posts/roll-your-own-frameworks/
Tip of the week by @dvassallo:
> If you like your independent lifestyle, you need extreme risk aversion first, not extreme risk taking. You’re not trying to maximize profits. You want to avoid having this lifestyle taken away from you. > > — Daniel Vassallo (@dvassallo) May 23, 2020
What I’m reading/watching: developit/redaxios - The Axios API, as an 800 byte Fetch wrapper.
That’s all for this week, stay tuned for more JavaScript tips to help you get stuff done.