Alpine.js Iterate n times with x-for - Code with Hugo - Jun 30th 2020
Welcome to the 82nd Edition of the Code with Hugo newsletter about JavaScript, Node.js & Enterprise patterns.
Here are 3 links I think are worth your time this week,
a number of iterations (n times)” Alpine.js falls back to JavaScript to allow you to iterate a set number of times. (2 min read) : -
PostgreSQL 12.3 - Jepsen Analysis & tools applied to a single-node database (Postgres) (13 min read):
Most tech content is bullshit - Over the past few years, as I’ve been working and talking with many developers, I noticed a repetitive pattern. It’s been troubling me a lot, and I keep thinking and talking about, trying to understand, or even excuse. Why are you taking this approach? ( min read):
Tweet of the week is @swyx on Serverless Functions:
✍️Serverless Functions are Stateful!
aka Why “Warmers” Don’t Prevent Cold Starts
We write a rate-limiting function using a stateful @Netlify function - and explore why Functions aren’t actually stateless, and what this has to do with Cold Start myths!
— shawn swyx wang (@swyx) February 21, 2020
The book recommendation this week is Antifragile - Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. “A dive in at the deep end of Taleb’s thinking. The preface sort of says it all: Antifragile is the culmination of his thinking after Black Swan and Fooled by randomness.
Antifragile reiterates and builds on concepts from Taleb’s prior art. It really cements a philosophy on how to think about systems and what to optimise for: the ability to capitalise on random events or as Taleb coins it “”optionality”“.
Not sure about what anyone else will think but antifragile resonates with me, specifically it gives me a system which formalises a lot of my past instinctive thinking, which I could never justify or verbalise.”
That’s all for this week, stay tuned for more JavaScript tips to help you get stuff done.