Jake Nov. 5, 2024, evening From SQL: expr1 between expr2 and expr3 There is also this which I think is still in the latest ANSI standard: substring(expr1 from expr2 for expr3) There's a bunch of other odd syntaxes along these lines. And aggregates and window functions, not sure how you'd classify them: aggregate_fn(exrp1 order by expr2,expr3, ...) filter where expra1 window_fn(expr1,expr2, ... partition by expra1, expra2, ... order by exprb1, exprb2, ...) (And window functions have frame clauses too.) Would you count this as a ternary operator: expr1 join expr2 on expr3 Also, I think Agda has user definable ternary operators. Reply Report Reply and Subscribe
From SQL:
expr1 between expr2 and expr3
There is also this which I think is still in the latest ANSI standard:
substring(expr1 from expr2 for expr3)
There's a bunch of other odd syntaxes along these lines.
And aggregates and window functions, not sure how you'd classify them:
aggregate_fn(exrp1 order by expr2,expr3, ...) filter where expra1
window_fn(expr1,expr2, ... partition by expra1, expra2, ... order by exprb1, exprb2, ...)
(And window functions have frame clauses too.)
Would you count this as a ternary operator:
expr1 join expr2 on expr3
Also, I think Agda has user definable ternary operators.