Ridiculous Opinions!
Ridiculous Opinions #230
January 6, 2024
Little Orphan Annie was a family comic. Greetings on this beautiful Saturday morning! The sun is out and I can see the ocean from my balcony. The sky is blue...
Ridiculous Opinions #229
December 30, 2023
Well, clearly I took a little break last week. It wasn't actually a break. If you're hip to the world of the internets, you'd have discovered that my...
Ridiculous Opinions - Interim Post!
December 23, 2023
Greetings everyone! I am transferring my account from Substack over to Buttondown today, so there may or may not be a new newsletter coming in the next few...
Ridiculous Opinions #228
December 16, 2023
Not much of a letter today. Leaving the old school and headed to a new one. Enjoy this one, last walk through fifty-years of our old campus… Let the holiday...
Ridiculous Opinions #227
December 9, 2023
So, today I am attending Storm the Block, which is a comic convention that is really about artists and comics. It’s a kind of promotional party for Sandstorm...
Ridiculous Opinions #226
December 2, 2023
joerohdeA post shared by @joerohde Before you begin reading my post, I want you to read the small essay written at the link above. The essay is by a man...
Ridiculous Opinions #225
November 25, 2023
Last weekend, I reached a low-point from a creative perspective. I finished a project in the summer and though I have been doing things since then, I haven’t...
Ridiculous Opinions #224
November 18, 2023
Remember a few weeks ago where I spoke of building an online audience on Reddit. Well, Girdner has learned the first lesson of being online too much, as the...
Ridiculous Opinions #223
November 11, 2023
This guy wrote this newsletter. I dislike people who don’t signal when they change lanes. You would be hard-pressed to show me someone who does this who is...
Ridiculous Opinions #222
November 4, 2023
You have to accept a lot as a teacher. The concept of grace is something that you have to learn over time. One of my all-time favorite films is Terrence...
Ridiculous Opinions #221
October 28, 2023
Happy birthday, Mom! Last week, I was sitting around the house in the evening, pondering whatever it is that I ponder when I’m sitting around, when I spoke...
Ridiculous Opinions #220
October 21, 2023
Not a great deal to say this morning, other than I just spent 16 hours in a plane and 4 hours driving to surprise my mother at her 80th birthday party....
Ridiculous Opinions #219
October 14, 2023
I have absolutely nothing to say this morning. I’m feeling a bit tired, have a bit of a headache, and have stared at this computer screen for the last...
Ridiculous Opinions #218
October 7, 2023
So, I slept too long last night and when I do that, I wake up grumpy. And when I woke up this morning, I started reading on my phone. I was looking through...
Ridiculous Opinions #217
September 30, 2023
A Maurice comic panel that I particularly enjoyed, without context. So, as you may or may not know, I publish a comic regularly online called “Maurice the...
Ridiculous Opinions #216
September 23, 2023
Sometimes, I sit back and I think about how strange my life is. Sure, everyone feels like their lives are strange to a certain extent, but when I truly sit...
Ridiculous Opinions #215
September 16, 2023
Perfection. For a long time, I’ve been trying to formulate my thoughts to describe how there are no movie stars anymore. I’m not alone in this opinion, but...
Ridiculous Opinions #214
September 9, 2023
So every day, I write down an “idea of the day” in my journal. It’s a way to keep things fresh for me and to keep my creative juices flowing. The “idea”...
Ridiculous Opinions #213
September 2, 2023
The cat you see in the picture above is our cat, Rosetta. She is approximately fourteen-years old. Right now, it is mid-afternoon and she has just eaten. She...
Ridiculous Opinions #212
August 26, 2023
Hey! Do you all remember that I made a movie? I don’t talk about it much because…well…I don’t know. But I made a 90 minute film called The Bean. It has sat...
Ridiculous Opinions #211
August 19, 2023
The author, pondering existence. You like that subtitle there? I’m a poet. A good one. I coined that phrase. Those words have never been uttered in that...
Ridiculous Opinions #210
August 12, 2023
The author, attending the film. Look, people…I’ll be the first to admit that things are pretty good for me (knock on wood). I can’t complain much. Mostly, my...
Ridiculous Opinions #209
August 5, 2023
So, I was posting a Maurice comic on Threads and I saw a link to this article from The Atlantic, and I got mad. Why? With all that’s going on in the world,...
Ridiculous Opinions #208
July 29, 2023
Look, here’s the problem with Generation Z (or whatever the hell they’re called). I’m talking about any of you yahoos born AFTER 1995. We were in the car...
Ridiculous Opinions #207
July 22, 2023
I’m having a mental debate right now. I’ve had this debate for a few years, but it’s come to the forefront of my mind in the last couple of weeks. Basically,...
Ridiculous Opinions #206
July 15, 2023
Me, prior to boarding the Falcon for my mission. It was busy in Black Spire outpost the other morning, because we knew that we had work to do. You see, I was...
Ridiculous Opinions #205
July 8, 2023
This is my Threads feed. Who are these people? What are they doing here? WHO THE HELL TAKES THE TIME TO LIKE THESE THINGS? Like most perpetually online...
Ridiculous Opinions #204
July 1, 2023
De-aged on the left; real life on the right. Everyone who has been in my film classes knows that my favorite film is Raiders of the Lost Ark. I saw Raiders...
Ridiculous Opinions #203
June 24, 2023
So, we have been on the road since last week and have now arrived in Florida. We left Toronto on Monday and arrived in Blacksburg, Virginia on the same day;...
Ridiculous Opinions 202
June 17, 2023
My name is Randall P. Girdner and I play Fortnite. It’s tough for me to admit that, being a fifty-year old man. I mean, for real, I’m jumping on there and...
Ridiculous Opinions #201
June 10, 2023
Yesterday I wasn’t feeling too hot, so after school, I came home and laid on the bed, watching a documentary called The Director and the Jedi. The film is...
Ridiculous Opinions #200
June 3, 2023
The 2023 UAE Student Film Festival! Well, this is the 200th newsletter for Ridiculous Opinions. I’ve been doing this thing almost ten years now, off and on,...
Ridiculous Opinions #199
May 20, 2023
April 23rd, 2010 When I lived in Ghana, one of the teachers mentioned to me that there was a new course called IB Film that was getting started. Film as a...
Ridiculous Opinions #198
May 13, 2023
Me on Friday afternoon. I’ve been tired all week. On Tuesday, I came home and was looking through my phone, when I fell asleep at 6:00 PM. I woke up about...
Ridiculous Opinions #197
May 6, 2023
9th grade was my triumphant year as a person who "participated" in the game of school. It was also my last year of "participation", which is a story for...
Ridiculous Opinions #196
April 29, 2023
Long ago, I started this newsletter so that I could keep in touch with students over the years and today marks the first newsletter that my latest group of...
Ridiculous Opinions #195
April 21, 2023
Henry Holmes, Grade 9. I am reaching that age where the people I know are going to start dying. This is the way life goes and the way it has always been....
Ridiculous Opinions #194
April 15, 2023
Readership on my posts always varies depending on the subject matter, so I expect today’s numbers to be LOW, because today is about the final game of the...
Ridiculous Opinions #193
April 8, 2023
Are you ready for… Note: This is a promotional email. Read the author’s note at the bottom. It’s official! Book 2 of Maurice the Beaver is now live on...
Ridiculous Opinions #192
April 1, 2023
A feral hog. I’m all alone! Well, I’m not actually alone. It’s just me and the cats, but the cats don’t really care about me until it’s food time, and then...
Ridiculous Opinions #191
March 25, 2023
Lane Moore📕YouWillFindYourPeople @hellolanemooreOldest daughters on their way to solve everyone's problems yet again because no one else will do it 5:04 AM ∙...
Ridiculous Opinions #190
March 18, 2023
See that smile? It’s the smile of someone who knows that it won’t be long before her grand plan takes effect. Last night, Tracey and I went to see Tan Dun...
Ridiculous Opinions #189
March 11, 2023
Yes, I am writing about “Cheers” in this newsletter. It’s a testament to the poor readership of Ridiculous Opinions that I looked to see what number the...
Ridiculous Opinions #163
March 4, 2023
I am currently sitting in the Sandstorm Comics booth, where I have been planted for the day. Sandstorm Comics is the first UAE-based comic company. Last...
Ridiculous Opinions #162
February 24, 2023
Let me tell you about my favorite cat. I’m telling you this in confidence, because if the two cats that I actually own were to find out that they were not my...
Ridiculous Opinions #186
February 18, 2023
I’m sitting here at my desk this morning, enjoying a lovely breeze with the window open, when I hear a KRAK on the wall. I look out to see three little boys,...
Ridiculous Opinions #185
February 11, 2023
I am here. Notice that I have included my “flipper-like” foot to prove it. I’m currently sitting by the pool at Emirates Palace, feeling like I have fooled...
Ridiculous Opinions #184
February 4, 2023
It me. So, I am irrelevant when it comes to popular music. That is a clear statement. I have always wanted to be hip when it comes to music, but once I had...
Ridiculous Opinions #183
January 28, 2023
As I am writing this, our youngest cat, Mango, is sitting beside me, staring. Every once in a while, she will let loose with a rather pathetic “meow” that...
Ridiculous Opinions #182
January 21, 2023
The victim: Randall P. Girdner. Destined to suffer trauma, despite his innocence. I’m not really going to write this newsletter about things that annoy me. I...
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