Oh-h-h-h! The mandala snippet is vera nyce! In re: ADHA, etc. It's come to my attention that ALL creatives are endowed with neurodivergence, some perhaps a bit over-amply. It what makes the tck-talk and without it, we are mere burger-flippers in a button-down world. With it, we talk funny and walk funny and frustrate the bejaysus outta ourselves. Ain't it grand?
Srsly, the diaries of every creative I've ever read is full of self-castigation, mostly undeserved and usually over matters related to The Difference. You want a strong look at What Can Go Wrong? Check into Hazel Dooney of Australia. She's deeply intelligent, enormously talented, and has been deeply and enormously out of step. I made her acquaintance, via The Real Twitter, back in the day, just as she was beginning what might be described as a psychic break that landed her in all kinds of troubles. Took her a good long while to return, and she sometimes seems still to be hanging on by the fingernails. Her earlier writings, wherein she wrote at length of the difficulties, seem to have disappeared, but there is one post on her new substack that is tremendously moving and revealing: https://hazeldooney.substack.com/
I think you are acquainted with Gwenn Seemel? If not, she's well worth checking out, too. Oh, and Kelly Borsheim, of Texas and Italy, who sculpted the very best thing I've ever seen. (all my best, Geisla! -- Walt)
Oh-h-h-h! The mandala snippet is vera nyce! In re: ADHA, etc. It's come to my attention that ALL creatives are endowed with neurodivergence, some perhaps a bit over-amply. It what makes the tck-talk and without it, we are mere burger-flippers in a button-down world. With it, we talk funny and walk funny and frustrate the bejaysus outta ourselves. Ain't it grand?
Srsly, the diaries of every creative I've ever read is full of self-castigation, mostly undeserved and usually over matters related to The Difference. You want a strong look at What Can Go Wrong? Check into Hazel Dooney of Australia. She's deeply intelligent, enormously talented, and has been deeply and enormously out of step. I made her acquaintance, via The Real Twitter, back in the day, just as she was beginning what might be described as a psychic break that landed her in all kinds of troubles. Took her a good long while to return, and she sometimes seems still to be hanging on by the fingernails. Her earlier writings, wherein she wrote at length of the difficulties, seem to have disappeared, but there is one post on her new substack that is tremendously moving and revealing: https://hazeldooney.substack.com/
I think you are acquainted with Gwenn Seemel? If not, she's well worth checking out, too. Oh, and Kelly Borsheim, of Texas and Italy, who sculpted the very best thing I've ever seen. (all my best, Geisla! -- Walt)