Welcome to The Necessary Notice, a bi-weekly email care package for cool people.
It will have links to: - events I'm hosting - resources I'm enjoying - inspirational writerly roguery - charming artistic misbehavior - and generally playful monkey-brained, trickster-hearted, love-spirited, much-sense (close cousin of nonsense, but with more muchness).
This list will send you things from time to time (I'm aiming for every other Monday). If it ever stops feeling fun, you can unsubscribe - no hard feelings, no questions asked.
And if you end up wanting to hear more from me, you're welcome to resubscribe if it ever feels right to you!
Take a deep breath, if you want.
You're doing a beautiful job existing.
I'm so proud of you.
~ Alex
Head Mischief-Maker at Fun is a Necessity