Welcome to our Seasonal Newsletter!
Here at Freestone Ranch, our business is producing healthy beef for our local community. Our driving vision is that California’s landscapes were shaped by human tending for millennia. Our path is to learn how people tended these lands, and then use modern technology to implement similar ecosystem functions. We have the utmost respect for the native hands that still live and work here, and our learning goes beyond land acknowledgement to express deep admiration for their accomplishments.
We work with our herd, using the gentlest possible rotational grazing techniques, and the thinnest electric wire fences to tend grasslands and prevent brush encroachment. This way amazing rare birds like this burrowing owl can survive our changing climate. If you haven’t seen our Instagram feeds, take a look! @freestoneranch highlights our land care work, and @freestoneranchbeef showcases our epic beef.
We create living sponges in our watersheds to build soil, store water, mitigate wildfires, provide habitat and restore ancient human food systems.
A core idea is that much of the knowledge that shaped California’s ecosystems has been lost, at least within the modern agricultural community. We need to use reverse engineering to rebuild our human relationship with our wild kin. We are tiny seeds, growing food and caring for our local ecosystems, but our mother earth needs a huge community of human tenders. That’s all of us! Many of you are already growing great beauty, we know. We see you and we love your work.
Subscribe for more on our approach to land regeneration, recipes, book reviews, sales announcements, and other ruminations. With gratitude to you for being with us on this journey… We wish you nourishment.