The site analytics is dead. Long live the analytics.
March 15, 2025
I ditched web analytics for a faster site and more meaningful reader interactions!
Here's to Quarter Two of the 21st century
January 1, 2025
The first quarter elapsed. Much happened. Much didn’t. We-who-are-reading-this-right-now are perhaps a bit bruised, disheveled, a little worse for the wear,...
What have you been curious about?
June 21, 2023
Hello! It has been a minute since the last occasional eval/apply dispatch. I have been up to things. I bet you too have been up to things. This one is about...
Hanukkah of Data
December 22, 2022
Hello! More joyous tidings, since my last and first ever email. If you are a data nerd, you may enjoy Hanukkah of Data, which started on Dec 18th-ish. It is...
Joy oh joy; a Yak was shaved, a site was published!
October 6, 2022
Hello friend! Thank you for signing up for my "occasional newsletter" many moons ago! Counting you, fourteen people signed up since evalapply.org first went...