Updates from E C
June 2024: Alone with a Pirate on Mendicor
May 31, 2024
The iPhone 15 Pro camera is pretty decent. This year has proven to be more fortuitous than I expected. In January, Hobart published a short story of mine,...
2023 in review
December 31, 2023
My desk circa last winter. Some housekeeping: Please consider donating e-sims to people in Gaza, so that those on the frontlines of the genocide in Palestine...
July, albeit late
August 20, 2023
Dandelions at Hollywood Cemetery, July 2023 x E
June: Give Yourself a Gift
July 20, 2023
In making an effort to think and speak less negatively about myself, I'm using my June newsletter (which is now late, I know) as an opportunity to look back...
May: Failure, Fear, and Fortitude
May 8, 2023
Here's me in a "crick" near Fluvanna, VA in April A few brief updates and some links: I recently had an image published in Vogue Business. Lucy Maguire...
January: Love What You Love
January 28, 2023
Arthur Ashe Boulevard highway exit, 2017 Hello and happy new year, if we haven't spoken since 2022. I, for one, would like a medal for writing a newsletter...
December: Uncertainty; January: Uncertainty
January 3, 2023
Part I from 12/28/2022: June 2022, Silver Spring, MD Housekeeping: this letter comes to you from the tail-end of 2022. I am on an Amtrak train between...
September and October, from November: Presence
November 8, 2022
They say moving is very tough. It is.
August: "Despair"
September 9, 2022
(Written between 8/19/2022 - 8/23/2022. Photographs from August - October, 2013.) Manhattan, August 2013 Before I moved to New York for college in August of...
July (belatedly, from my J train notebook pages)
August 16, 2022
I don't owe anyone an explanation, but here is where my newsletter-type thoughts have been for the last six weeks: (unedited transcript below) July being the...
June: "go where the light is"
June 24, 2022
An iPhone picture of my aunt's yard on June 17th 2022; film scans to come soon. Some housekeeping: I'm in a critique group that has put out a wonderful...
May: "Gang Aft Agley"
May 12, 2022
"The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men Gang aft agley, An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain, For promis’d joy!" from To a Mouse by Robert Burns I have been...
February: What Can You Give Yourself?
February 13, 2022
Central Park, February 2022 "One does not lose the ability to enjoy pleasure when it does not come around often, or when it is something one has given up...
October: What it Means to Try
October 9, 2021
It's been a good ten months since my last newsletter, a long-form essay about 2020 and the books I read over the course of the year. Unless I put down all of...