Hello from Duncan 👋
A Dangerous Hypothesis, A Seismic Sonification, A Collection of Oscillating Cycles
November 17, 2020
Hello. I’m Duncan and this is “Hello from Duncan”, a newsletter I send every ten days where I talk about the work I’m doing and the things I’ve found...
An End to Inktober, A Green Stimulus, An Online Park
November 7, 2020
Hi there, I'm Duncan and this is Hello from Duncan - a little newsletter I send every ten days about what I'm working on and what's interesting me. You're...
A Homepage Redesign, A Fungal Newsletter, A Done List
October 28, 2020
Well hello. I'm Duncan, and this is "Hello from Duncan" - a newsletter I send every ten days where I talk about the work I've been doing, things I've been...
An Oracle Bot, An Irregular Grid, a Native Speaker
October 18, 2020
Hi there, I’m Duncan and this is “Hello From Duncan” - a newletter I send every ten days about what I’ve been devoting most of my brain cycles to. This is...
A Playlist, An Inktober, An Inequality of Emissions
October 8, 2020
Hi! I'm Duncan and this is the newsletter I send every ten days where I talk about my work and anything else that's been catching my attention. If you...
A Walk, A Change of the Seasons, A Small Visualization
September 28, 2020
Hi there. I'm Duncan Geere, I'm an information designer, and this is my regular newsletter - which you signed up to very long ago or not so long ago. Either...
A Pool Party, A Rhythm, A Weird Indie Game
September 18, 2020
Hello, and how are you? My name is Duncan, and you're getting this email because you've signed up to my "Hello from Duncan" newsletter. It works a bit like...
A Satisfying Project, a MicroCOVID, a Weird Accent
September 8, 2020
Hi! Welcome to “Hello from Duncan”, a newsletter I send every ten days which covers things that have been catching my attention and things that I’ve been...
A Holiday, A Book Review (or Two), A Return to Nature
August 29, 2020
Well, that was a lovely break. I've just returned from a week on Björkö - one of the islands in Gothenburg's northern archipelago. It's only about 90...
A Routefinder, A Dark Side of Solar, A Him-icane
August 9, 2020
Hi there, I’m Duncan, and not coincidentally this is the latest issue of Hello From Duncan - a newsletter summary of what I’ve been up to and what has caught...
A Pattern Language, A Sonification, A Lab Notebook
July 30, 2020
Hi! I'm Duncan, I'm an information designer, and this is the newsletter I send every ten days where I talk about what I'm working on, what's interesting me...
A Change of Scenery, A Map of Lighthouses, an Exhibition
July 20, 2020
Hello, I’m Duncan. I’m an information designer, and this is my newsletter/workblog/braindump/lifeline to the world which goes out every ten days. My last ten...
A Hospital Visit, A Birthday, An Internet of Beefs
July 10, 2020
Hello. I’m Duncan. I’m an information designer, and this is my personal newsletter where I write about things I’ve been working on, or thinking about. I...
An accident, a pull request, a Yankovic
June 30, 2020
Hi there, I’m Duncan and this is the newsletter I send every ten days where I talk about what I’m currently interested in and/or working on (they’re usually...
A Thunderstorm, A Shell Script, An Imbox
June 20, 2020
From the middle of a thunderstorm, I’m Duncan and this is that rarest of things - a newsletter you actually signed up for. Every ten days, I write up some...
An Important Video, A Not-To-Do List, A Portfolio
June 10, 2020
Hello you, I'm Duncan, I'm an information design freelancer consultant and this is my newsletter where I write a bit about what I've been working on or found...
Tenday Notes 21 May - 30 May
May 31, 2020
Hey folks, my name is Duncan and I’m an information designer, writer, editor, tall person, pizza-eater, and dog-owner whose newsletter you at point foolishly...
A Crash in Oil Prices, A More Hopeful View of Humanity, A Question About Witchcraft
May 21, 2020
Hi folks, I’m Duncan, an information designer based in Gothenburg, Sweden. At some point during or prior to The Ongoing Situation you signed up for this...
A Logbook, A Definition, A Year of Being Swedish
May 11, 2020
Hi there. I’m Duncan, and I’m an information designer. This is my newsletter, which pops up in your life every ten days or so like a hankering for a really...
A Blogroll, An Ideal City, A List of Questions
May 1, 2020
Hi there, newsletter crew. My name is Duncan, I’m a writer and information designer, and one day the stars aligned and you joined my mailing list. I hope...
Height Noise, Humans in Space, and Marine Xenobiology
April 21, 2020
Hi there! My name is Duncan, I’m a writer and information designer, and this is my newsletter featuring notes on what I've been working on and what I've been...
A Shaved Head, A Resonance Cascade, A Plotter
April 11, 2020
Hi there! I think it's the law now to write "I hope you're keeping well in these strange/unprecedented/peculiar times" at the start of every email. My name...
Hello Again!
April 7, 2020
Hey there, beloved newsletter subscribers! My name is Duncan, I'm a data journalist, and at some point in the pre-pandemic world you signed up to get...
🔰 Running 🔰
August 2, 2019
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve begun running. It’s probably up to five or six by now. At least once a year I dash for a tram or bus, end up out...
🔰 So If You’re Lonely 🔰
April 27, 2019
When the Strokes released their debut album, Is This It?, in July 2001, I was 17 years old. I couldn’t have been luckier. I was stepping into the big wide...
🔰 Data & Visualization 🔰
March 31, 2019
In January, I began a new job. I'm now a Senior Editor at Information is Beautiful, a data visualisation studio helmed by David McCandless. It's a small...
🔰 A New Beginning 🔰
March 9, 2019
Hi there, My name is Duncan. This is the beginning of my new newsletter, which happens to also be named "Beginning". You're getting this message because at...