Polishing my new game's art
My winter break is over, so I get to work on games again! But I'm having some ear health issues at the moment, so I can't hear things well enough to be able to work on my new game's music. I should be better in a week or two, but in the meantime I'm polishing other aspects of the game so it can look as good as possible when I announce it.
Idle animations and backgrounds
The ducks' idle animations were previously the same very stiff two-frame animations that I used in Chessplosion. Regardless of whether it was the player or a customer, or whether or not they were holding a present, all of the ducks were snapping back and forth at a blazing 2.4 animation frames per second.
So I added a bit of extra secondary movement! It's not the fanciest animation in the world but it still makes a big difference. I'm also experimenting with making it a bit easier to tell the difference between background objects like houses, and foreground objects like walls and windmill sails (which is apparently the real name for the parts of a windmill that spin around. They're just called fan blades in my code, haha). Anyway, here's the progress I've made:
2023/01/05 - Idle animations and backgrounds
Next week I'm going to tweak the backgrounds a bit more, draw the last few cutscene characters and come up with the names for the different areas in the game's world. My ear should be better by the time I've finished doing those things, but if it isn't, there's an extra feature that I want to experiment with adding to the game. I'll let you know how it goes when I get around to it!
2 hours left in the Steam and itch winter sale!
Sorry for sending so many emails about this, but this is the final reminder that you can save 50% on Chessplosion on Steam and itch! There are tons of other great games that I recommend, such as:
Space Mouse 2, which is sort of like Pac-Man meets Mr. Driller. I'd love to make a game in this subgenre soon!
Mr. Driller DrillLand, which is sort of like Mr. Driller meets Mr. Driller. It's my favorite game in the series!
Touhou Makuka Sai ~ Fantastic Danmaku Festival Part II, a shmup with beautiful looking bullet patterns.
I hope you get to play some fun games in the sale, and I'll see you next week!