I've started making my next game! Also, save 50% on Chessplosion!
My new game's prototype
My next task is to make enemies get knocked back when I hit them, and then I can start making them fight back. At that point I can just start experimenting with different enemy designs until the game is fun, and then I'll be able to start making the full game.
I've been streaming all of my work so far on my Twitch channel, so feel free to come and say hi if you want to see the prototype progress as it happens!
Save 50% on Chessplosion this week!
This week is the Steam Strategy Fest, so you can save 50% on Chessplosion on Steam and itch until Monday! If you haven't tried out the game yourself or if you want to convince your friends to try out the online multiplayer (with rollback netcode!), now is a great time to give it a try.
I've been playing videogames
This week I've been playing lots of single player videogames. I replayed the original Legend of Zelda for the first time in years, and I had forgotten just how simple its overworld was (in a good way). It's got me thinking that I could maybe even add an overworld to my new game and turn it into an action adventure game. We'll see how it goes! I started playing A Link Between Worlds next, and they did a great job of making 2D Zelda combat work with analog stick movement.
I've also been trying and failing to make my way through stage 1 of Ghosts n Goblins Resurrection! It's one of the best new games I've played in a long time, and I can't believe a company as big as Capcom funded and released a game as difficult as this. It's an acquired taste, but I highly recommend it if you're into those kinds of games!
That's all I've done this week. Thanks for reading, and I'll be back next week with an update on my new prototype!