Background ducks, story scenes and secret extras!
Hi! I've been busy this week with contract work and trans-related issues, and I've been having PC problems that have stopped me from being able to work on my new game's music. The old half-broken laptop that I've been using for making games is finally starting to break, so I caved in and ordered a new PC that should arrive soon. But on the bright side, I still managed to make some progress on the game:
Background ducks
When I was experimenting with a hub area last week, I made some background ducks that could hang out there and add some atmosphere. Although I didn't end up putting the hub area in the game, I didn't want to get rid of the ducks. So now they hang out in the background of any story scene that takes place at your mail center!
Story scenes
The game's story scenes have all been programmed and written! The game isn't full of long cutscenes, but it's nice to have some context on why you're delivering all of these packages.
Title screen
Up until now, the title screen and main menu still had the old brown background from Chessplosion:
But I've finally replaced it with the new game's blue skies! I added some space for a logo at the top of the new main menu too, so now all I need to do is actually draw the logo...
Secret extras
I wanted to add a few tiny extras as a reward for finishing the game, to make it easier for people to zoom through all the gameplay again without having to deal with story scenes and world maps and so on. I liked Chessplosion's boss rush and speedrun mode so I've added something similar to this game now! I won't spoil exactly what it is, but it's very similar to the Chessplosion equivalent.
That's all I've worked on this week! Next week I'm going to try and finish up the last few tiny bits of programming and art that the game needs, and hopefully my new PC will have arrived by the time I'm done. Then I'll finally be able to spend a few uninterrupted weeks making music! My PC problems have stopped me from being able to play games too, so I'm really looking forward to trying out Pizza Tower when my new PC arrives. Let me know if you like the look of anything I worked on this week, and I'll see you next time!