cody cody cody, i'm standing with you in the pain, the relief, the curiosity, and much, much more. the stanzas about pain taking a dull backseat really resonated with my own chronic pain, which has now (d)evolved into five spinal fractures. sooo literally you'll find a compassionate ear with me whenever you need. the good news is, your backbone is strong even if your spine is not. thank you for the honesty and the inspiration! xx ps. fuuuuck charlotte!
cody cody cody, i'm standing with you in the pain, the relief, the curiosity, and much, much more. the stanzas about pain taking a dull backseat really resonated with my own chronic pain, which has now (d)evolved into five spinal fractures. sooo literally you'll find a compassionate ear with me whenever you need. the good news is, your backbone is strong even if your spine is not. thank you for the honesty and the inspiration! xx ps. fuuuuck charlotte!