🍎 citymeetings.nyc #31
Federal Funding Cuts, Queens Future/Metropolitan Park
I'm speaking at School of Data again this year on March 29th. If you weren't there last year, you can watch my talk and read my annotated slides here.
I'm going to talk about:
- How the site has grown since it launched a year ago
- How people use it and the impact it has had
- How I use AI differently today vs. a year ago
- How I use AI to make the site and this newsletter possible, in detail
If you're coming, share something you're curious to hear about and I'll try to work it in.
I'll be around all day. If you're there, say hello!
This week I'm highlighting:
- Discussions pertaining to federal funding cuts from ~30 hours of budget hearings.
- A hearing on the Queens Future/Metropolitan Park casino project.
For a complete listing of published meetings, visit https://citymeetings.nyc.
Federal funding cut discussions at last week's budget hearings
I used PRO's Meeting Miner to find discussions around federal cuts across ~30 hours of preliminary budget hearings at five meetings.
It took just a few minutes and the screenshot below shows what this tool looks like.
A screenshot of a query to identify all moments federal funding cuts were discussed across one 7-hour, 15-minute budget hearing.
From those results I grabbed highlights to share and summarized them below.
Consider the kinds of questions your organization or clients want answered and sign up for the PRO waitlist if you want access to research and alerting tools like this when they're available.
PRO won't be available for a while. If you have an immediate need, reach out directly to retain my services for timely reports this budget season, or analysis across 50+ local and state bodies catered to your questions.
Onto the highlights...
- Justin Brannan stated federal funding constitutes about 9% of NYC's budget (~$10 billion), and cuts could significantly jeopardize the financing of essential services. Link
- Before the federal govt. seized $80MM from NYC's bank account, NYC already applied $59MM of those funds toward balancing FY2026. Link
- Lots of discussion around how we might backfill positions (the answer is "case by case"). In one instance, OMB's Jacques Jiha cautions: "Do we send a signal to Washington that they could cut with impunity if we said, every time they cut, we're gonna backfill?" Link
- There is possibility of significant increases in electricity prices in NYC with tariffs on Hydro-Quebec, which provides renewable energy to NYC. Link
- Brad Lander proposed adding $1B to the general reserve fund for FY 26, and $847MM into the city's rainy day fund into the city's rainy day fund. Link
- Louisa Chafee @ the Independent Budget Organization: Link
- $10B in federal funds directly support 7% of the DOE, 14% of DSS, and 58% of HPD.
- There are 46,000 federal workers employees in NYC.
- 17% of the city's budget is state-supported, and reductions in federal aid to NY State will likely yield compounding impacts, particularly to DOE.
- MOIA Commissioner Manuel Castro generally avoided discussing federal immigration policy and funding impacts directly at last week's immigration hearing, with the council responding in frustration. Link Link
- On H+H Medicaid cuts, Mitch Katz shares "... in order for me to cut a dollar, I have to cut $5. There's almost nothing ... that we do that doesn't generate revenue in some way". Link
- The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) shares that federal funding cuts would not significantly impact their budget. Link
- Notably, there was no discussion on federal funding cuts or policy changes at the Criminal Justice budget hearing. Link
Hearing on Queen's Future/Metropolitan Park casino and entertainment complex proposal
A slide from the developer's presentation.
This was a hearing on a contentious proposal to develop land around Citi Field in Queens for a casino, hotel, entertainment complex, and 25-acre park.
Below is an overview of the project followed by a few of the testimonies bucketed by themes for a quick overview.
Project Overview
- Kevin Riley clarifies that the casino licensing process is led by the state through a three-step review including a Community Advisory Committee, Gaming Facility Location Board, and State Gaming Commission. Link
- The proposal seeks two land use approvals: mapping a zoning district for the site and amending the city map to reconfigure streets, demap parkland for buildings, and map new parkland, with changes contingent on receiving a state gaming license. Link
- The project site was purchased by Robert Moses in 1936 for parking lots for the 1939 World's Fair and despite being mapped as parkland, has never been used as a public park, currently consisting of 50 acres of asphalt parking lots. Link
- The project offers a $1.1 billion community benefits package including $320 million for a 25-acre park, $480 million for MTA station improvements, and $163 million for a community benefit fund. Link
- The project commits to creating 23,000 union jobs during construction and 6,000 permanent union jobs, with MOUs and card check neutrality agreements signed with labor unions. Link 1 Link 2
Testimonies raising concerns about crime and gambling addiction
- Michelle Lau Burke warns that proximity to a casino is associated with higher rates of gambling addiction, which research links to domestic violence, child neglect, debt, depression, and suicide. Link
- Aimee Rosato cites studies showing casinos contribute to a 10% annual increase in crime rates, with 8.6% of property crime and 12% of violent crime in counties with casinos attributed to their presence. Link
- Andrew Sokolof Diaz warns the project would lead to displacement, gambling addiction, strain on infrastructure, and questions the quality of jobs promised. Link
Testimonies emphasizing job creation and economic opportunities
- Bishop Mitchell G. Taylor of Urban Upbound endorses the project for its minority and women-owned business enterprise lending program to support historically marginalized entrepreneurs. Link
- Rev. Patrick H. Young's church food pantry serves 1,000 families weekly. He describes his community as an "economic desert" desperately needing the opportunities this project would bring. Link
- Shanel Thomas-Henry supports the project for its goal of 30% minority and women business participation and programs to build capacity and secure funding for small businesses. Link
Testimonies questioning the project's impact on parkland and flooding
- Rebecca Pryor states the project would privatize 77 acres of public parkland and only create a 7-acre privately owned plaza rather than the promised 20-acre park. Link
- Cody Herman testifies that the project would contribute to "green gentrification" and claims the site is sinking nearly 0.5 centimeters per year according to a NASA study. Link
- Melissa Zavala argues that adding heavy infrastructure to this wetland area could exacerbate sinking risks and flooding problems. Link
Testimonies supporting the project's investment in public spaces and infrastructure
- Joseph Sutkowi supports the project for addressing flooding and heat issues in Flushing Meadows Corona Park that the city budget alone cannot fix. Link
- Nicole Labatis describes the current area as unsafe and crime-ridden, arguing the project would transform it into a secure space with recreation facilities. Link
- Jim Burke supports the proposal for creating a fully accessible subway station and a park that includes a sensory area for people with autism. Link
Testimonies questioning the legitimacy of community support
- Joseph Datko characterizes the proposal as a "shakedown" and questions the representativeness of community board support, noting board members are appointed, not elected. Link
- Elaine O'Brien expresses skepticism about promised benefits like the Queens Food Hall and criticizes the lack of a legally binding community benefit agreement. Link
- Margaret Flanagan notes the borough president received 70 written comments opposing the project and only 3 in support, questioning genuine community backing. Link
Testimonies from local businesses advocating for economic revitalization
- Dian Song Yu supports the project for its potential to diversify Downtown Flushing's customer base, citing struggles during COVID-19 due to overreliance on local customers. Link
- Robert Dorsky praises the Queen's passport program that has engaged over 100 local restaurants and businesses to encourage tourists to spend money in Queens. Link
- Seth Bernstein of Queens Economic Development Corporation describes the project as an opportunity to transform underutilized land into an economic engine for future generations. Link
Thanks for reading!
Comments, questions, or feedback? Reply to this email or shoot me a note at vikram@citymeetings.nyc