I’m a fan of Gigolos and used to follow Ash on FB (bless Showtime for not getting rid of their Late Night section like HBO), so I followed this case and started watching the first first half-hour of this documentary over breakfast this morning.
At the time the show was on, I definitely would have chosen Nick as “Most likely to beat a woman to death” because he appeared to have some anger/aggro issues and too many blackout tattoos always freak me out on a non-metal musician (whether or not that’s fair) because it comes off very anti-social personality. Wild that he’s now a swami or something and judging Ash. I saw Nick on a “Soft White Underbelly” interview a couple years back and none of that was going on.
I’m a fan of Gigolos and used to follow Ash on FB (bless Showtime for not getting rid of their Late Night section like HBO), so I followed this case and started watching the first first half-hour of this documentary over breakfast this morning.
At the time the show was on, I definitely would have chosen Nick as “Most likely to beat a woman to death” because he appeared to have some anger/aggro issues and too many blackout tattoos always freak me out on a non-metal musician (whether or not that’s fair) because it comes off very anti-social personality. Wild that he’s now a swami or something and judging Ash. I saw Nick on a “Soft White Underbelly” interview a couple years back and none of that was going on.
I’ll likely be back with more…