I was about to suggest that true crime comfort didn't go together. Then I read this piece and understand the oxymoron better. As a result, I'll take the advice offered and look in, with a sharpened appreciation of the complicated question, Why do we watch and read the stuff that seems warped and twisted. I can even suggest that one of my favorite murder stories flips the script on the idea that "most homicides aren't committed by serial killers...they are committed by people." This murder involves a couple of hitmen who were set up to be killed and experienced the horror that their many victims must have felt in that last moment. There's lots of kinds of murders and in the world we inhabit today, we will encounter new ones every day. Thanks Best Evidence for broadening my perceptions.
I was about to suggest that true crime comfort didn't go together. Then I read this piece and understand the oxymoron better. As a result, I'll take the advice offered and look in, with a sharpened appreciation of the complicated question, Why do we watch and read the stuff that seems warped and twisted. I can even suggest that one of my favorite murder stories flips the script on the idea that "most homicides aren't committed by serial killers...they are committed by people." This murder involves a couple of hitmen who were set up to be killed and experienced the horror that their many victims must have felt in that last moment. There's lots of kinds of murders and in the world we inhabit today, we will encounter new ones every day. Thanks Best Evidence for broadening my perceptions.