Dulwich Hamlet THIS FRIDAY, Lower Grand Radio, Christmas FAIRS
Hello, paper punks. Why is it this warm still? Probably fine.
A quick email to make you aware of a couple of past, present and future events to keep you tiding over. Everything is pivoting to Christmas and end of year lists that really do just look like shopping lists and I'm going to be compiling the December listings over the coming days - let's see if that second half drop-off continues and not because of The Disease. If you have New Year plans or just want to put on a gig where you can cover the Greedies, then submit your event on the website before Tuesday 22nd November.
Get to the gig This Friday: leather.head, Joy-Rides, Gross Misconduct at Dulwich Hamlet FC
Your reminder that the next Another Subculture event, co-promoted with DHFC Gigs, is this coming Friday: the 18th November. Come down, have a nice time, join us in the pub afterwards. Remember to take a lateral flow too; two members of Gross Misconduct got Covid again last week and we are cheering the fading lines as I type.
There will also be a livestream - 5G pending - subscribe to the YouTube channel and set yourself a reminder when it pops up.
Tickets are £8 or £4 unwaged, available here and on the door.
And also - leather.head are releasing a live LP in the not too distanct future too, so get that on your list!
Spring upload: Alex S from Lower Grand Radio talks to Vanity Crystal (SPH)
Uploading more interviews from the just about sold out Spring issue of Alternative Strategies still - and this was a great chat between Alex S (of Marbled Eye and also Oakland, CA's Lower Grand Radio) and SPH (of Repetitive Strain, Vanity Crystal, Negative Space). Click through and enjoy. More infrastructure chat to come in 2023, let's keep it all steady.
Zine Fair Alert (and merch table alert)
And finally, going to get myself a table at the PageMasters winter fair at the South London Gallery, this coming first weekend of December. I have some seasonal ideas between now and then? I'll also be at Damage is Done this weekend at the Sunday New Cross Inn gig (which I put down as New River Studios on the listings, really hope people check before going all the way up there?)
And there you go. Go make a band or a zine or a nice dinner. Take care and keep safe -- B P / A S