So you've (I've) fallen off my budget
It happens. Yearly. How to get back on
April is the time of year when I let things slip: working out, eating healthy and managing my budget. It happens every single year, there are deadlines, I’m working, this year it’s vaccine envy and the general stress of the pandemic.
All of that is me saying, yeah, I’ve let my budgeting slide. I’m still paying my bills, putting money away into an emergency fund and looking for discounts and savings but I’m not tracking it as strictly as I should be. There have been a few nights of ‘fuck it, I’m ordering take out’ instead of cooking what I have in the fridge which is a complete privilege.
But I know myself and if I don’t pull myself back onto my budget I’ll just continue ignoring it and then I’ll feel even worse. So why am I ignoring my budget and how do I get back on track and stop feeling weird about it? (I’m not proud that this happens.)
Tackling my emotions first