Did you know that the percentage of Canadian one-person households is the highest it has been in the country’s history? In 2016, 28.2% of all households in Canada were one-person households.
Living alone is on the rise, not just in Canada but in other countries.
Where’s the financial information for us?
A lot of basic financial planning is based on the assumption that people will be with a partner(s) and I got tired of wondering about when traditional financial education was going to focus on solo earners. It used to be advice for the youths on how to budget and save, then a huge void, it picked back up after your partner died. I’m looking to fill that void.
I figure if I’ve got questions on ALL things money, you do too.
The Budgette is a no-nonsense conversation about money for solo earners. We peer behind the curtains of personal finance and break it down for single people. We have to save more money for retirement, don’t get as many tax breaks as couples and can’t leave your survivor’s pension to anyone who isn’t your spouse or partner? That means even if you and your sibling have one household, your sibling isn’t entitled to your survivor's pension from CPP, OAS or your employer pensions.
I’m a Canadian journalist who got interested in personal finance a decade ago. I cover the topic for multiple publications in Canada and the U.S. I’ve written for the Toronto Star, MoneySense, Wealthsimple, Canadian Business, Canadian Living, Lowestrates and the Globe and Mail.
Because I get asked: Yes, I’m happy to have a conversation about potentially working together. Please reach out to me via LinkedIn.
The Budgette: Renee Sylvestre-Williams has been writing about personal finance for over 15 years and contributes to some of this country’s largest publications. Frustrated with the lack of financial planning information for people without a partner, she started The Budgette, a “no-nonsense conversation about money for solo earners.” The bi-weekly SubStack newsletter covers timely topics and features insights from Renee’s impressive network of experts.
Personal finance reporter (and MoneySense contributor) Renée Sylvestre-Williams describes her newsletter as “a no-nonsense conversation about money for solo earners.” A lot of traditional personal finance advice is built on the assumption that you have a partner in life and your finances. Sylvestre-Williams’ newsletter fills the void of information available for those managing their money alone… Although the free newsletter is distributed less frequently than many others, the posts are well-sourced, giving readers confidence in the quality of Sylvestre-Williams’ work.
The Good Trade: 7 Finance-Focused Newsletters Written By Women
The Budgette is a finance newsletter for solo income earners. Written by Canadian money and culture journalist Renee Sylvestre-Williams, past editions have covered (with humor!) rising food costs, her hatred of banking fees, and what to keep in mind if you can’t (or haven’t) started saving for retirement until your 40s.
Time’s NextAdvisor: The 10 Best Email Newsletters About Money
Plenty of financial advice is geared toward people who are partnered or have two-income households — and that’s where The Budgette comes in. Aimed at solo income earners, …written by personal finance journalist Renee Sylvestre-Williams, The Budgette is smart, snappy, and no-nonsense (as evidenced by this breakdown about the misconceptions around passive income).