Self care for redundancy and job searching
I've been asked a couple of times about resources for dealing with redundancy, or if I have any tips. I always struggle with this, because all the self care in the world isn't going to pay your bills, and it feels like cold comfort in the face of having to keep yourself and your loved ones fed and housed. However, I do have some tips to share.
Find and reach out to your community
Can you find a local or virtual co working group you can hang out with while you’re sending in applications?
Continue going to meetups and making sure you’re both networking, and talking to peers for that connection.
Keep track of your applications
This won’t only help with making sure you know where you’ve applied for and who you’re waiting to hear back from, but it will give you a sense of achievement and of doing stuff, even if the overall goal hasn’t been achieved yet.
Reflect on things you do well
This is important for resumes/cover letters/etc, but it’s also good to reflect on what you’re good at, what you enjoy doing, and what you’d like to do more of in the future. It’s also a really good way to remind yourself you are competent.
Now is a great time to compile a ‘good things people say about me’ folder, if you’ve not got one already. Collect good reviews, testimonies, general messages of thanks, and pop them somewhere you can review them when you’re feeling down.
Related: ask previous co-workers for linked in testimonials.
Find some joy.
Practice gratitude, spend time with loved ones, watch favourite shows or films, read favourite books, consume favourite foods. Find comfort and joy in routine and old favourites while your professional life is uncertain.
Keep an eye on your warning signs
Being made redundant in a tough market is going to be stressful, but make sure you’re not struggling too much. Make sure you’re doing things like eating, showering, sleeping, etc.
Try to do one thing for your self care a day. This can be spending time reading a fiction book, playing games, talking to a friend, cleaning your environment, having a bath, whatever you feel will make you feel better in this moment.
Breaks are productive
I promise you that banging your head against a proverbial wall trying to find another job to apply to or another way to word a cover letter isn’t going to help as much as taking a break when you need it.
Try to find something to put your mind on. Cooking, reading, an existing hobby. Even exploring new parts of the area you live in. Try to find something where you can invest some time well spent, instead of scouring job boards and waiting for emails.