January's community challenge: Kind accountability
It's January, a time for change for many of us. Let's start it with kindness and curiosity.
A surprise Tuesday post! This is an intro to January’s SCB discord challenge, there’ll be a post tomorrow as normal as well.
I’m kicking off the monthly themes over at the SCB discord with this one on being kind to ourselves. Interestingly, January has 5 Mondays, so I’m going to officially start this month’s challenges on the 8th January, to give us time to acclimatise to the new year.
January tends to be when people make changes, form new routines or habits, or do something like Veganuary/dry January. During this time, especially given it’s dark and grim out, it’s easy to fall into habits of being mean to ourselves. Sitting with ourselves with kindness as we makw these changes can make them more sustainable and attainable.
I wanted to talk a bit about the weekly challenges and why I chose them.
Week one (8/1): changes as future compliments
Framing a change you want to make as a future compliment can make a massive difference. Focusing on a goal you want to move towards and giving yourself positive motivation (negative motivation is when you want to avoid doing something. This can also be a powerful motivator, but not one I personally find useful by itself).
So, instead of ‘I’m not going to drink alcohol this month’, which focuses on what you’re not going to do, you can focus as well or instead of what you will do instead (save money? avoid hangovers? be more present when out with friends?).
This also opens your mind to multiple ways of achiving a change, instead of avoiding a specific behaviour, you’re doing that but also seeing how you can move towards a desired behaviour (I talk about this in more detail in Wednesday’s free post).
Want help with this? I have a virtual affirmations workshop happening on the 10th January, more details here: https://selfcarebackpack.com/product/virtual-affirmations-workshop/
Week two (15/1): sit with your inner critic
Our inner critic is often based on something real. There’s a valid fear or shame underneath it, it’s just being really unconstructive and mean underneath it all. Learning to sit with this voice with curiosity and empathy is one way to figure out when there’s something valid there and when there isn’t.
It takes a lot of practice, a lot of grounding, and a lot of emotional energy, but sitting and asking yourself gentle questions is a way to help figure out why your inner critic is being so mean, and how to move through those feelings.
Week three (22/01): Sharing tips and tricks
Adding new habits or keeping on top of chores can be difficult.
This week let’s share some practical tips for chore and habit stacking, brainstorm ways to make specific goals more attainable and sustainable. We have a great community, and we can use it for tips, tricks, and support.
Week four (29/01): Free week to catch up/Reflection on the month's work
Part of being kind to ourselves is giving ourselves a break. This is why most, if not all, of the challenges have a free week at the end. Catch up if you need and want to, reflect on things you’ve done this month, or just taked a break.
I’ll be doing a post like this at the start of each month, and a reflection post at the end. I’d love to have you join our little discord community and hang out in a wonderfully warm space.
Regardless of if you do all, some, or none of these challenges, I hope you have a fantastic January!