[Seth Says] National Poetry Month!
There's something that I may have threatened to do,
and will actually do it this time.
And that's for this newsletter, all the way through,
I'm writing the damn thing in rhyme.
Admittedly, this won't be pages and pages,
I'll likely keep this a bit shorter.
But what the hell, not like it will take me ages;
I'm a poet and not a reporter.
And oh yeah, the rhymes will not all be good,
So expect lots of varying quality.
But I think with this newsletter that's understood:
Random crap, rants and jokes, and frivolity.
This one is more of the latter (day saints)
(Sorry, childhood commercials in head)
(If you're wondering if they were good, dey ain't)
("If you tell one lie..." ...you'll end up dead.)
Hey look, I'm rhyming even in parentheses,
and it's even got sort of a meter!
I am in a good mood, since I've eaten some cheese,
and some dates (to make things even sweeter)
I also have finished some work for a client
That involved doing some heavy reading.
(I'm always surprised when my job is reliant
On things I ne'er thought I'd be needing,
Like reading court documents, econ theses,
various governmental regulations,
graduate level physics texts, weird things like these)
And now I'm due for a vacation.
(By which I mean staycation; I mostly stay here,
Which is honestly my favorite place.
And good thing, since I'm here for the bulk of the year;
I do enjoy it, in any case.)
But with work being finished and cheese being et,
(How do you spell past eat?)(No, not eaten.)
(Yes, I know eaten's the smart grammatical bet,
But that last syllable I'm deletin'.)
I can kick back and do some relaxing, I guess,
Although writing this was my to do list,
At least, what was left on it of this week's whole mess,
And so pretty soon I will be through it,
At which point I will pick up a video game,
(Honkai Star Rail, if you care.)("We don't.")
And then next week will go along mostly the same,
Unless new clients pop up (they won't).
All in all, not too bad, the big project is good
Since freelance work is far from reliable,
But when clients ask me, "Do you think that you could..."
I am frequently willing or pliable.
Anyway, all this rhyming (do you want a peanut?)
Leads up to my duty most solemn,
Which is sharing a fun thing - and I really mean it --
Because you'll enjoy this week's column.
Clearly I hope that you enjoy them every time,
And folks tend to be more kind than critical,
But you know from last week ranting's a fault of mine,
Whereas this week's piece isn't political.
And the topic is poem-related, so do
please enjoy this piece: Shakespeare's First Drafts
I'm delighted to say that when reading it over,
it even made my partner laugh.
(Which is not guaranteed when she's reading my stuff,
Since she hears my jokes every damn day.
So when I have a line that is funny enough
That she laughs out loud, I say Hooray!)
(Not out loud, but I do in my heart, and I'd say
when it comes down to it, that's what counts.)
(Dracula, of Monte Cristo, DeMonet...)
(Okay parentheses, time to bounce.)
So I hope that this finds you (wherever you're hiding) well,
Thank you for reading my scribbles,
And in two weeks, I'll likely send out a few more,
As my words multiply just like Tribbles.
Hoist By My Own Picard (gonna be appropriate one day!),