This newsletter is for the reading curious.
The reading curious might be those who wish they read more. They might be those who wish they read more broadly. They might be those who are lifelong readers. They might be those who wish to help others develop as readers.
Reading is, of course, both art and science. It’s deeply personal, and yet can be quite public when we share our thoughts. In particular, “Reading, Reconsidered” will expand on my work as a literacy consultant and reading guide. For whatever reason, my recommendations have been sought and utilized by university professors and CEOs, parents, college students, and those of younger years. For the main newsletter, I won’t focus on book recommendations and the like, though I might add a monthly feature of books for those genuinely interested.
My goal isn’t to overwhelm you with recommendations. (Though I have willingly done so for those on break or sabbatical who make such requests)
My goal for “Reading, Reconsidered” is to introduce some of the art and science of reading. Initially, there’ll be more on the art and more idiosyncratic commentary, but I’ll flick in the science when it seems felicitous. And occasionally there’ll be a heavy dose of the science.
What will you encounter here? Business reading, journal reading, memoir reading, (philosophy of) science reading—the genres will vary. You’ll encounter the reluctant reader, the inattentive reader, the speed reader, the over-reader, the gluttonous reader. The odds and ends that make up the curious world of reading.
If you’re interested in reading, you’ll find some fun. If you want to encourage the reluctant readers in your life, this will be a good place to start. I hope you’ll join me. And I do hope you’ll share your own stories along the way.