Jennifer Hudak Writes
Yup, It's Still Winter
February 13, 2025
How is everyone hanging in there? That’s probably a loaded question. It’s so hard to know how to act in times like these, when horrible things are happening...
Long Time No See
December 5, 2024
Hi everyone! It’s me again. I’m writing to you on a snowy December morning, at the tail end of 2024. Quite a lot of us are feeling a bit raw right now, what...
Spring and Things!
March 30, 2023
Hello! It's been a while since I've sent out a newsletter, and to be honest, that's because nothing truly newsworthy has happened in the past few months. But...
December 20, 2022
Hello, friends. Even though he is an indoor cat, Loki is an excellent indicator of the temperature outside. The colder it gets, the more he wants to snuggle....
It's the Spookiest Time of Year!
October 18, 2022
Hello friends! Where I live, the leaves are turning glorious shades of yellow and red and orange; farmers markets are bursting with sturdy fall produce; and...
Busy-ness and Rest
September 13, 2022
Hello friends! As I write this, the ground is still damp with several days' worth of much-needed rain, the sun is shining, and the air is cool and fresh. I...
Welcome to JenniferHudakWrites!
July 23, 2022
Hello everyone, and thank you for subscribing to my newsletter! I'm excited to share my stories with you all, and I'm so honored that you're willing to come...