A brief dispatch
My pre-sabbatical summer of no teaching has been pretty crowded so far. So here are some highlights of stuff I’ve done lately!
I officially submitted the manuscript of my new book Dancing about Architecture is a Reasonable Thing to Do to the publisher (more info later this year!)
I organized and spoke on a really delightful Zoom panel called “What’s the best Luxury album?” This went better than I could have possibly imagined – a panel of theologians, rock critics, music nerds, and professors (many of these overlapping considerably) each shared wonderful insights about this great band, and two members of the band joined and chimed in at the end! You can see a video of that here (click the picture):

I was a guest on the podcast Chasing Encounters, hosted by Yecid Ortega, where we had what ended up being a surprisingly (to me) personal conversation about my teaching and research. Listen here.
I accidentally wrote a draft of an academic writing textbook that I’m trying to figure out what to do with next.
I landed a spot as a visiting scholar in the Department of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa for next winter. (Much more on this later, I hope, assuming things progress well!)
That’s it for now!