I have seven hours and seven minutes to go! I haven't been progressing quite as much as I'd hoped, but my graph is still above the par line, so I'm fine with it. I've been checking off scenes to work on in my notebook and I only have a few left. Once those are done, the next step is to compile the whole thing and read it through from beginning to end, with pauses for last-minute tweaks. But I just got through a pretty significant scene (the first kiss!) so I'm going to celebrate with a peach vodka and lemonade and watch some YouTube videos.
I have seven hours and seven minutes to go! I haven't been progressing quite as much as I'd hoped, but my graph is still above the par line, so I'm fine with it. I've been checking off scenes to work on in my notebook and I only have a few left. Once those are done, the next step is to compile the whole thing and read it through from beginning to end, with pauses for last-minute tweaks. But I just got through a pretty significant scene (the first kiss!) so I'm going to celebrate with a peach vodka and lemonade and watch some YouTube videos.