EscInd: Weekly Action Plan for March 20, 2023
Welcome to Escondido Indivisible’s weekly action plan for March 20, 2023! Pick an action or two and commit yourself to doing them. As President Obama said in his farewell speech: Believe in your ability to bring change. Show up, dive in, stay at it.
- Wednesday, March 20, 2023, 5:00 PM: Escondido City Council Meeting at City Hall Council Chambers, 201 North Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025. Agenda includes a presentation on Clean Energy Alliance, Item #16 on a “proposal to eliminate funding in several areas, including for playground equipment replacement ($775,000), and a fitness court in Washington Park ($130,040); and to use unallocated funds toward two already approved projects, Creek Trail Fencing ($250,000) and the Old Escondido Lighting Project ($400,000)”, Item #17 on a “proposal to use $2.2 million in funds from a HOME-ARP (American Rescue Plan) grant to create 15 affordable rental units for extremely low-income households, with a preference for those experiencing homelessness, and to add a person to the Housing & Neighborhood Services Division Team” and Item #18 on General Plan Housing Element Update (See letter from Escondido Housing Coalition). Live broadcast of the meeting will be at here. Public comments may be made via Public Comment Form.
Affordable Housing
- Read-up on Difficulty in finding homes for homeless shelters continues to haunt region, [SD City] Council Grapples With Report on Policing Impacts Unhoused Black San Diegans and Lack of Funding Shut Down Aid to [Escondido] Families on the Brink.
- Read-up on the Escondido Housing Coalition Letter on Request for Amendments to Escondido Housing Element to include inclusionary housing rules, a prohibition of housing in known, unsafe locations and a public advisory committee.
- Comment on Escondido City Council Meeting Agenda on Item#18 and the needs for more affordable housing for low and middle income families.
End Poverty & Hunger
- Read-up on 'Back to one meal a day': SNAP benefits drop as food prices climb, Is $23 in monthly food stamps enough to survive? Not in San Francisco and Republicans want to cut SNAP benefits — even as 1 in 10 households are food-insecure.
- Contact Assemblymember Maienschein and State Senator Jones and ask them to pass legislation like SB-600 to increase the CalFresh minimum to $50 per month.
- In-Related News: read-up on Prices at the supermarket keep rising. So do corporate profits.
Federal Budget
- Read-up on National Indivisible’s Legislative Process 101: The Debt Ceiling.
- Contact Representative Issa, Representative Peters, Senator Feinstein and Senator Padilla and express support for a clean debt ceiling increase. See Support a Clean Debt Ceiling Increase, Tell Your Dem Rep: No MAGA Default, Save Social Security & Medicare and Tell Your GOP House Representative You Oppose the MAGA Default Scheme.
Reproductive Rights
- Read-up on Wyoming Becomes First State to Outlaw the Use of Pills for Abortion and Wyoming banned the abortion pill and some states want to go further.
- Contact Representative Issa, Representative Peters, Senator Feinstein and Senator Padilla and ask them to pass legislation to “codify access to contraception into federal law” and abortion rights. Note that Representative Issa had previously praised the overturn of Roe vs. Wade and voted against codifying abortion rights. See Oppose a National Ban on Abortion.
Escondido Indivisible is a grassroots group dedicated to affecting changes in our local community. Our website is at Send us links and comments at And feel free to forward our newsletter to interested parties! If you were forwarded this letter, you can subscribe here, and check the archive here.
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