EscInd: Weekly Action Plan for June 17, 2019
Welcome to Escondido Indivisible’s weekly action plan for June 17, 2019! Pick an action or two and commit yourself to doing them. As President Obama said in his farewell speech: Believe in your ability to bring change. Show up, dive in, stay at it.
Events | SDC Events Calendar
- Wednesday, June 19, 2019, 6:00 PM: Escondido City Council Meeting at City Hall Council Chambers, 201 North Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025. **Agenda includes continuing planning service contract for Safari Highlands Ranch Project (item #9) **
- Thursday, June 20, 2019, 2:00 PM–4:00 PM: Escondido Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting at City Hall Council Chambers, 201 North Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025. Agenda not available yet.
Hunter-Campaign Finance Misuse
- Read-up on Legal Fight Tougher For Rep. Duncan Hunter As Wife Pleads Guilty, Margaret Hunter admits guilt in campaign-finance scandal and Editorial: Rep. Hunter should accept responsibility and resign, then plan to rebuild his life.
- Contact Rep. Hunter and ask for his resignation for his indictment of conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States, wire fraud, falsification of records and prohibited use of (~$250,000) campaign contributions.
- Write a letter to the editor and ask for Rep. Hunter’s resignation.
- In related news: read-up on Chao created special path for McConnell’s favored projects: A top Transportation official helped coordinate grant applications by McConnell’s political allies and Kellyanne Conway violated Hatch Act, says US Office of Special Counsel.
Trump-Russia Investigation
- Read-up on 'I think I’d take it': In exclusive interview, Trump says he would listen if foreigners offered dirt on opponents, Trump smashed months of FBI work to thwart election interference and Trump’s comments about taking “oppo research” from foreign governments, explained.
- Contact Rep. Hunter, Senator Feinstein and Senator Harris and ask them to support H.Res.257 to begin investigating whether Trump should be impeached. See Demand the House Open an Impeachment Inquiry, Demand your member of Congress support Rep. Tlaib's Impeachment Resolution and The Mueller Report Is an Impeachment Referral.
- Contact Senator Feinstein and Senator Harris and ask them to co-sponsor S.1562 which “require campaigns to report any contacts with foreign nationals who are attempting to make campaign donations or otherwise coordinate with the campaign within a week of the contact”. See Enact the FIRE Act to Require Political Campaigns Disclose Foreign Contacts.
- Read-up on Trump Administration to Hold Migrant Children at Fort Still Base That Served as WWII Japanese Internment Camp, 24 immigrants have died in ICE custody during the Trump administration and The Youngest Known Child Separated From His Family at the U.S. Border Under Trump.
- Contact Rep. Hunter, Senator Feinstein and Senator Harris and express your support for H.R.1069 (which prohibits unlicensed temporary emergency shelters for unaccompanied migrant children), S.388 (which improves resettlement process for unaccompanied migrant children), and the end of mass dentention for undocumented immigrants. Both Senator Feinstein and Senator Harris are co-sponsors of S.388. See Defund Hate, Demand Congress Act to End Abuses of Detained Immigrants, Two lawmakers call for end to unlicensed migrant children detention facilities and Harris and Wyden Introduce Legislation to Improve Resettlement Process for Unaccompanied Children, Protect Sponsors.
Escondido Indivisible is a grassroots group dedicated to affecting changes in our local community. Our website is at, and our sister group is at Escondido Indivisible on Facebook. Send us links and comments at and @EscInd50 on Twitter. And feel free to forward our newsletter to interested parties! If you were forwarded this letter, you can subscribe here, and check the archive here.
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