EscInd: Weekly Action Plan for August 17, 2020
Welcome to Escondido Indivisible’s weekly action plan for Aug. 17, 2020! Check Your Voter Registration (78 days until Election Day) and take the Census 2020 if you haven’t already (Escondido has a 69.8% response rate so far). Mail ballots will start going out on Oct. 5, 2020. Stay safe and healthy!
- Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2020, 6:00 PM: Escondido City Council Meeting via teleconference. Live broadcast of the meeting will be at here. Agenda includes item #8 on COVID-19 Business Urgency Ordinance and item #9 on City Treasurer Election. Public comments may be made via Public Comment Form.
- Read-up on Escondido City Election Information. The list of candidates for the upcoming is now up on the website.
- Read-up on San Diego Registrar of Voters’ Postcards to Registered Voters – They Will Get Mail Ballots and Vote Safer San Diego.
- Plan how you will vote for the upcoming election. Mail ballots will start going out on Oct. 5, 2020. Early in-person voting will also start on Oct. 5, 2020: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday starting Oct. 5 at the Registrar’s office and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 31 through Monday, Nov. 2 at your assigned polling place or the Registrar’s office. Track your ballot at Where’s My Ballot.
Post Offices
- Read-up on The Post Office Is Deactivating Mail Sorting Machines Ahead of the Election, USPS warns 46 states, DC that delayed mail-in ballots could disenfranchise voters, Financial disclosures reveal postmaster general's business entanglements and likely conflicts of interest, experts say, Analysis: Post Office Delays Plague Mail In Key Swing States and USPS Mailboxes Removed in Some New York Area Neighborhoods.
- Contact Senator Feinstein and Senator Harris and ask them to support H.R.2382 and S.2965 to repeal the requirement for the USPS to “pre-fund retirement health care costs for 75 years into the future” which had placed an undue burden on the USPS. Ask them to also support H.R.8015 to “maintain prompt and reliable postal services during the COVID-19 health emergency”. See Tell Your Representative to Act Now to Save the US Postal Service, Demand the Federal Government Support the United States Postal Service and Tell Congress to Save the United States Post Office.
- In-related news: read-up on Trump's Weaponization of USPS and the Census.
Local COVID-19 Response
- Read-up on More Than 1,600 Californians Have Been Evicted During Pandemic and Two State Bills Aim To Head Off San Diego's Coming Eviction Crisis. Escondido voted to extend its eviction moratorium to Sept. 30, 2020 last week.
- Read-up on San Diego’s Black and Latino Neighborhoods Hit With COVID-19 Triple Whammy and Coronavirus Hit Latinos Harder Thanks to a Perfect Storm of Disparities.
- Contact Assemblymember Waldron and State Senator Jones and express support for AB-1436 which “would make it so no one could be evicted for unpaid rent accumulated during California’s coronavirus state of emergency”.
Federal COVID-19 Response
- Read-up on Coronavirus: How Trump killed tens of thousands of Americans.
- Contact Senator Feinstein and Senator Harris and express support for additional COVID-19 relief proposed by the HEROES Act and for continued funding of testing and tracing. Note that the HEROES Act has passed the House. See Tell your Members of Congress: Fight for the Emergency-Relief We Need and Indivisible's HEROES Act Summary.
- In-related news: read-up on How Jared Kushner Became Trump's Most Dangerous Enabler and How Stephen Miller and Wife Katie Waldman Found Love Through Hate.
Escondido Indivisible is a grassroots group dedicated to affecting changes in our local community. Our website is at, and our sister group is at Escondido Indivisible on Facebook. Send us links and comments at and @EscInd50 on Twitter. And feel free to forward our newsletter to interested parties! If you were forwarded this letter, you can subscribe here, and check the archive here.
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