If you do AR or Circling in your job or are working your way towards that, subscribe here to be notified / reminded about our monthly meetup. (Not for AR-community building—there’s a call for that**.) These drop-in Zoom calls happen on the third Wednesday of each month at 1pm EST.
See below for information from a recent event page:
This drop-in session is for those of you doing AR or Circling in your job, or working your way towards that. It's a chance to connect with your colleagues and to give and receive support.
**NOTE: This call is about doing this work professionally in our careers (or side businesses). If your main goal is running AR or Circling community events (or to build community), this call is not for you. Instead, you can attend the AR Community Monthly Mastermind on the 1st Wednesday of each month, hosted by Marco Beneteau, currently found here: www.facebook.com/events/403609245554896/403610438888110/
My intentions are 1) to foster a connection with a community of our peers, and 2) support each other in bringing this work to the world professionally.
AGENDA: We’ll start with check-ins & introductions (tell us what you're working on or towards) and then see if anyone has something they want support or input on, and the kind of support they want. We’ll then focus on one person at a time until the end of the hour. 1-hour total.
You don't need to bring something, but take some time before the call to think about if there's something you want input or support on. Or perhaps a discussion topic.
It's possible nobody will bring a need and we'll just hang out for an hour.
I run these the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
TIME: 1-2pm EST
Call will be locked after 10 min of starting. It will not be recorded.
Facilitated by Josh Stein (of The Awkward Leadership School)