Welcome to the 11ty Bundle newsletter!
11ty, aka Eleventy, is a static site generator that is designed to be simple, flexible, and highly customizable. It is built on Node.js and allows developers to create websites by transforming templates and data into static HTML files.
In each issue of the newsletter, you'll find a curated collection of the latest Eleventy releases, blog posts, sites, and resources. This newsletter is the same as the blog posts that you'll find on the 11ty Bundle website.
The site contains a collection of Eleventy resources, including over 1,000 blog posts across more than 40 categories written by over 300 authors to help you get the most out of 11ty, our favorite static site generator.
And if you're new to Eleventy, the site has links to more than 60 posts all about getting started; and we've highlighted over 25 high-quality starter projects to choose from.