When working in Django, one often finds oneself with the following sort of question:
How many records were created (or updated, or posted) today (or yesterday, or last Monday)?
But most of the time, your created_on
column will be a Datetime, and today is not a Datetime—it’s a Date1. So if you simply query like this:
You’ll always receive an empty result—or at best you’ll receive only those objects that were created at the exact moment that comes up when date
is coerced into a Datetime (in the case of right now, at 12:21 EST on April 17, 2015, that would be 2015-04-17 04:00:00
It turns out this question tends to come up a lot. Here’s the top four results in a google search for django compare by date of datetime:
Those 4 Stack Overflow posts also give us an idea of the state of the art in addressing this common need.
To sum up, here are the approaches recommended in the many answers to these similar questions:
Picking a min and max datetime, pass them as a tuple like this:
Foo.objects.filter(created_on__range=(min_dt, max_dt))
Which will return all datetime records within the two values of the tuple.
There are a couple ways to get your min and max. If you have a target datetime already you can use timedeltas:
min_dt = target_date - timedelta(hours=12)
max_dt = target_date + timedelta(hours=12)
Or if you have a target date you can use the min
and max
of that date:
min_dt = datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time.min)
max_dt = datetime.datetime.combine(date, datetime.time.max)
These of course have slightly different effects. In particular, you need to decide whether you’re looking for everything on a certain date, or everything within a certain 24-hour window. Usually, at Makespace, it’s the former.
Take advantage of SQL’s string matching by filtering like this:
Neither of the above two really knocks it out of the park for me. The latter is, generously, a hack; taking advantage of the way that dates and datetimes are stored as strings in order to to find matches. But the former is quite verbose, and requires manually doing tricky datetime and timedelta logic.
At Makespace we opted for the simplicity of the latter. However, the writing was on the wall.
This week, it came time to update a bunch of our system packages, including PyMySQL. With the latest version of PyMySQL, running a contains
lookup on a datetime with a date starts, rather sensibly, to throw an error: Incorrect datetime value: '%2015-04-12%' for column 'created_on' at row 1
. That is: PyMySQL no longer likes to pass a date value to to comparison with a datetime field, even while using contains
. It was the end of the road for contains
Luckily, Django 1.7 introduced some new features when it comes to enxtending the lookup system of the ORM, meaning that a more elegant and efficient solution is within reach, without having to wait for the six year-old #9596 to get merged.
The new Transform
class, as it says in the 1.7 release notes, “allows transformations of database values prior to the final lookup”. While it looks a bit intimidating, we were able to use the howto documentation to write a Transform that does exactly what we’ve been looking for within our filter calls. It looks like this:
from django.db.models import Transform
from django.db import models
class MySQLDatetimeDate(Transform):
This implements a custom SQL lookup when using `__date` with datetimes.
To enable filtering on datetimes that fall on a given date, import
this transform and register it with the DateTimeField.
lookup_name = 'date'
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
lhs, params = compiler.compile(self.lhs)
return 'DATE({})'.format(lhs), params
def output_field(self):
return models.DateField()
A Transform is a very useful kind of lookup (the things separated by __
in the string foo__bar__date
are chained lookups) which takes the left-hand value (in this case, bar
) and applies a further transformation to it before the query is actually run. In this case, bar
is a SQL datetime field that we want to use the lookup date
to transform into a date field.
This allows us to make queries like this:
And get back everything that was created on the date in question.
The important bits are at lines 14 and 18. On line 14, in the as_sql()
method, we’ve already gotten the SQL column that we’ll be comparing against date
, and now we’re building our raw SQL query. All we do here is wrap the column data in a SQL DATE()
call, which returns the date element of a datetime expression. Then, on line 18, we specify that the column data, after the transform, should be treated as a DateField (and no longer a DateTimeField)—this allows the db to perform the comparison without thinking that it has to coerce the right-hand data into a Datetime in order to make a comparison.
Of course, this implementation relies on your particular flavor of SQL having a DATE()
function. MySQL does. So does SQLite. On the other hand, I haven’t worked with PostgreSQL personally, but some googling leads me to believe that it does not have a DATE()
function. So an implementation this simple seems like it will necessarily be somewhat backend-dependent.
Nevertheless, after you define this transform, all you have to do is register it to the DateTimeField you use with register_lookup
. Then you can use the __date
lookup transparently in your chaining filter queries.
For me, this is a resolution of a long-standing hack that I’ve had in place when working with Django. It’s idiomatic within both Django and SQL (for certain flavors of SQL), and both terse and obvious in application.
The difference being that Datetimes refer to a specific time on a specific date—the difference between 2015-04-14 16:07:51
and 2015-04-14
. ↩