In Combinatory Programming, we attempt to provide motivating examples for the various combinators identified as useful to everyday programmers.
The aim of that piece was to extract the basic concept of combinators from as much its context as possible, and present certain particularly useful combinators as higher-order functions callable inside of nearly any programming language, applicable to most styles of programming. In practice, of course, tacit forms—the style of programming that we can use combinator functions to achieve—are more at home in certain languages and certain contexts than others, and compose most nicely with other features of a programming environment: plentiful pure, first-class functions; partial application; and terse combinator syntax, among others.
In this supplement, we can dig deeper into some of those examples; where useful, expressing the same logic in multiple styles, and at times commenting on features of different styles or languages and the effects they produce.
const maybeAbs = n => shouldNormalizeNegatives ? Math.abs(n) : n
Here, maybeAbs
is a function which either calls Math.abs
on n
or returns
it directly, depending on the value of shouldNormalizeNegatives
. This is the
most explicit, referring directly to n
by name three times, but also the
easiest to read.
const maybeAbs = shouldNormalizeNegatives ? Math.abs : identity
(def maybe-abs (if should-normalize-negatives math/abs identity))
(map mayb-abs nums)
The JavaScript and Janet versions behave the same: we bind either the
absolute-value function or identity
to our new symbol depending on the
value of the conditional. In later examples, we’ll see less trivial usages of
is_between_negative_3_and_0 =: (<&0)*.(>&_4)
maybe_abs =: [`| @. is_between_negative_3_and_0
maybe_abs _5 _4 _3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3
_5 _4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3
Though we haven’t put it into our personal library of combinators, we can
imagine a function agenda
that behaves like this:
function agenda(p, f, g) {
return x => {
if (p(x)) {
return f(x)
} else {
return g(x)
In other words, we can imagine a simple combinator that lets us express
conditional logic tacitly. J’s Agenda @.
is such a function. In the slightly
silly J example above, we are able to reproduce behaviour closer to the
JavaScript example: rather than using a conditional to choose a function f
, which is then applied to some values, our J code takes a verb
, which is then called on every element of the
argument to maybe_abs
. Thus we can use both f
and g
within a single
call. In this example, identity
is spelled [
const cleanData = datum => removeUndefineds(coalesceNaNs(datum))
const cleanedData =
In the case of composed functions (as opposed to the minimal identity
above), explicit code rarely has many advantages over tacit code. We have to
refer to datum
twice, so:
But in addition to that, the explicit version is structurally complex. Nested function calls are difficult to read.
const cleanData = compose(removeUndefineds, coalesceNaNs)
(def clean-data (comp remove-undefineds coalesce-nans))
In both tacit versions, we avoid an unnecessary name in addition to obtaining a simpler structure, with less nesting.
clean_data =: remove_undefineds @ coalesce_nans
In J, function composition is an infix operator.
const absoluteDifference = (x, y) => Math.abs(x - y)
return absoluteDifference(9, 13) // => 4
const absoluteDifference = compose(Math.abs, _.subtract)
In this case, the explicit code requires us to bind to both x
and y
; in a
case like subtraction, which is so intuitively transparent, this seems
particularly unnecessary.
(def absolute-difference (comp math/abs -))
(absolute-difference 11 24) # => 13
The Janet code also takes advantage of the fact that -
is a normal function,
and not an infix operator, while the JavaScript has to rely on Lodash’s
to get a first-class function that does subtraction.
absolute_difference =: |@:-
The J code is another straightforward application of function composition. In
this case, however, the composition of subtraction with absolute value is
spelled |@:-
, which is shorter than the variable name absolute_difference
Array language practitioners will contend that this obviates the need for binding the verb to a name at all; why assign it to a variable name when it would require more characters than simply re-spelling it out each time?
One possible answer: it’s more straightforward to understand the semantics of
than of |@:-
. I’m not a very experienced J programmer,
so I can’t argue one way or the other.
It’s worth calling out that function composition is traditionally written “to
the left”; that is, the innermost function is the last argument and the last
function to be applied is the first in the argument list. This maps cleanly to
traditional function call syntax—f(g(x))
has f
and g
in the same order
as (compose f g)
—but ends up being harder to read, as the order of
application isn’t the same as the order of the syntax.
Many newer languages have syntax, or standard library functions, to effectively perform function composition in reverse, so that the call to the “combinator” (such as it is) can be read in the same order as function application.
For instance, in Janet we could natively write
(-> dirty-data (coalesce-nans) (remove-undefineds))
This is not properly a combinator, because it’s not a higher-order function.
It’s syntax for a particular tacit form of control flow; it represents the
actual application of those two functions to dirty-data
Nevertheless we can imagine a so-called pipe
that behaves just like compose
but in reverse order, which might feel more comfortable to those programmers
who have grown used to the conveniences of ->
and its cousins.
const basesAndExponents = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 5], [8, 13]]
return[base, exponent]) => base ** exponent) // => [ 0, 1, 243, 549755813888 ]
Absent apply
, we explicitly destructure the two elements of the argument
value and then pass them back to Math.pow
. This is relatively verbose, though
still readable. If we couldn’t avail ourselves of destructuring either, we’d be
forced to write
args => {
const base = args[0]
const exponent = args[1]
return base ** exponent
Which begins to feel quite clumsy indeed.
(def bases-and-exponents [[0 1] [1 2] [3 5] [8 13]])
(map (apply math/pow) bases-and-exponents)
In the explicit example, we availed ourselves of JavaScript’s infix exponent
operator, **
. In the tacit examples, we use their respective languages’
standard library pow
function in order to be able to pass a first-class
argument to the apply
exponentsAndBases: (0 1;1 2;3 5;8 13)
pow: */#
pow .' exponentsAndBases
1 2 125 815730721
The K language isn’t really designed with tacit programming in mind, but, as a
member of the array family, it nevertheless has some features that make certain
tacit forms the most idiomatic way to write programs. One of them is that
is spelled .
. Here .'
means “apply each”, that is, it applies pow
to each pair in the list of pairs exponentsAndBases
We have used the flipped form exponentsAndBases
here, because the tacit
form pow
, without being flipped itself, expects the exponent first.
is itself an example of compose
; as a function of two arguments, it
applies #
to them, creating an exponent
-length array of base
s, and then reduces
over them. In K, unlike J, function composition is not an infix operator;
it’s accomplished simply by juxtaposing the two verbs #
and */
In JavaScript and Janet, juxtaposition is not very meaningful. On the other
hand, we will see later on that J relies heavily on juxtaposition, but assigns
the semantics of combinators more complex than compose
to that syntax.
const exponentsAndBases = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 5], [8, 13]]
return[exponent, base]) => base ** exponent) // => [ 1, 2, 125, 815730721 ]
return // => [ 1, 2, 125, 815730721 ]
(def exponents-and-bases [[0 1] [1 2] [3 5] [8 13]])
(map (apply (flip math/pow)) exponents-and-bases)
The minimal example for flip
includes usage of apply
, because that’s the
most natural way to imagine dealing with data consisting of multiple ordered
values, where the order must be changed.
However, we can also imagine cases where our combinator accepts a variadic function such that ordering comes into play. For instance:
function explicit(x, y) {
return [x ** y, y / x]
return explicit(2, 3) // => [ 8, 1.5 ]
const tacit = recombine(Array.of, Math.pow, flip(_.divide))
In this slightly artificial example, we want to both take some x
to the y
as well as divide y
by x
. In a case where the g
and h
of a recombine
call expect the same arguments, but in different orders, we can use flip
one of them.
Up until now we’ve excluded from consideration the topic of partial functions; in practice, the easy availability of partial application makes more tacit programming convenient.
(def double (partial * 2))
In Janet, with a built-in partial
function, we can trivially use partial
application to define double
; we bind the first argument and produce a new
function that takes a single argument and multiplies it by 2.
(defn square [n] (math/pow n 2))
If we would like to define square
in terms of math/pow
, the same technique
isn’t naively applicable: in this case, the argument we want to bind is the
second one.
(def square (partial (flip math/pow) 2))
In this case, we can work in a tacit style by employing flip
; now the
argument we want to bind is the first argument to the function, so we can pass
that flipped function directly to partial
Another example, from a refactor of bagatto into tacit style. To be
refactored is a higher-order function which takes some attribute name and
returns a function that calls sort
by getting that attribute.
(defn attr-sorter
[key &opt descending?]
(defn by [x y] ((if descending? > <) (x key) (y key)))
(fn [items] (sort items by)))
In tacit style, this becomes:
(defn attr-sorter
(partial (flip sort) by))
By calling flip
on sort, we obtain a function which can easily have our new
applied as the first argument.
const mean = xs => _.sum(xs) / xs.length
return mean([0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]) // => 4.125
const mean = recombine(_.divide, _.sum, _.size)
(def mean (recombine / sum length))
mean =: +/ % #
In the case of J we see perhaps the starkest example of that language’s
orientation towards tacit programming. J combines a few syntactic
characteristics such that simple juxtaposition of verbs, that is, placing
syntactic verbs directly next to each other with no operator, triggers the
behaviour of application combinators. In the case of mean
, we see that
creating a so-called 3-train of 3 verbs, f g h
, creates a new verb whose
behaviour is analogous to recombine(g, f, h)
, called a fork in J.
const minMax = xs => [_.min(xs), _.max(xs)]
return minMax([1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]) // => [ 1, 13 ]
const minMax = recombine(Array.of, _.min, _.max)
(def min-max (recombine array min-of max-of))
min_max =: <./ , >./
min_max 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
0 13
const plusOrMinus = (x, y) => [x + y, x - y]
return plusOrMinus(13, 8) // => [ 21, 5 ]
const plusOrMinus = recombine(Array.of, _.add, _.subtract)
As in Absolute Difference above, we see that functions of two arguments, when
treated explicitly, result in quite a bit of noise. Explicit plusOrMinus
takes two arguments, neither of which has a particularly meaningful name
(judging from the Lodash docs, under addition they should be named augend
; under subtraction, minuend
and subtrahend
—but what
would we call them when both operations come into play?), each of
which then has to be referred to twice.
(def plus-or-minus (recombine array + -))
(plus-or-minus 13 8)
plus_minus =: - , +
1 plus_minus 2
_1 3
It’s worth noting that in both our JavaScript and Janet examples, the
distinction between a unary recombined function, like minMax
, and a variadic
one, like plusOrMinus
, is purely semantic: the syntax of application doesn’t
change when the number of arguments expected by g
and h
In the J example, on the other hand, our application syntax is by default
infix; so while our min_max
is written before its argument, our plus_minus
is written in between its two arguments, syntactically identical to its
constituent g
and h
Another example from bagatto shows a real-world refactoring using
, as well as a non-trivial usage of constant
is a function which takes a path of keywords and should return a
function that, given two arguments, will retrieve the attribute at that path in
the second argument.
A brief test to demonstrate the expected behaviour:
(deftest item-getter
(let [item {:foo {:bar :baz}}
getter (bagatto/item-getter [:foo :bar])]
(is (== :baz (getter {} item)))))
The explicit version:
(defn item-getter
(fn [site item] (get-in item path)))
(defn item-getter
(recombine get-in right (constant path)))
The tacit version, at least with all of the names spelled out, is not
shorter. And if we’re still trying to remember what recombine
does, it’s
no easier to read.
But once we have internalized the behaviour of recombine
a little bit, the
tacit example has the advantage of not having to introduce any additional names
at all. We can read that it returns a function that calls get-in
on its
second argument and path
function sum(xs) {
return xs.reduce((n, m) => n + m)
function std(xs) {
const mean = sum(xs) / xs.length
const squaredDifferences = - mean) ** 2)
const meanSquares = sum(squaredDifferences) / xs.length
return Math.sqrt(meanSquares)
return std([0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]) // => 4.136348026943574
pow: {*/y#x}
mean: %/ (+/;#:) @\:
std: % mean @ pow[;2]' -/ 1 mean\
In this example, we showcase the effectiveness of partial functions towards programming in a tacit style.
In the first place, it’s important to note that in our K code we’ve defined
differently from the apply
example: here we’ve opted for an explicit
definition so that the arguments to pow are base
, exponent
, which is
arguably the more natural ordering.
We have also defined mean
using the K translation of recombine
: where our J
code in that example took advantage of juxtaposition to create a so-called
3-train, which J defines to behave as recombine
, K has no such built-in
support. The only effect of juxtaposition is composition, as we saw in the
example of */#
. Instead we’ve used the phrase @\:
, which means “apply each
of the functions on the left”, with an array containing sum
and length
, and
composed %/
to its left, reducing the array containing the results of both
operations with division.
Our final definition, std
, is a tacit expression describing the composition
of all the operations performed iteratively in the JavaScript code. In
particular I want to highlight the spelling pow[;2]
. This is a so-called
projection, and its semantics are to produce a function which fixes 2
the second argument to the function pow
.2 K’s primitive and
flexible syntax for projections makes it extremely convenient to describe
partial function application; whereas in our partial
example above, we needed
to include flip
in order to bind 2
to the second argument of pow
: K’s
projection syntax allows partial application in any argument positions.
The resulting function is a juxtaposition of the following functions
1 mean\
: produce an array containing x
and the mean of x
: join those two values with -
. Implicit in this step is the map
that’s explicit in the JavaScript; as an array language, K “does the
right thing” when subtracing a single value from an array of values.pow[;2]'
: square the differences.mean @
: take the mean.%
: take the square root.In all cases besides the explicit @
, the juxtaposition of two verbs is
syntactically treated as function composition, producing a single composed
const eachValueIsUnique = xs => xs === _.uniq(xs)
return eachValueIsUnique([0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]) // => false
return eachValueIsUnique([0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]) // => true
const eachValueIsUnique = recombine(_.isEqual, identity, _.uniq)
(def each-value-is-unique (recombine deep= identity distinct))
(each-value-is-unique [0 1 2 3 5 8 13])
each_value_is_unique =: -: ~.
each_value_is_unique 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
each_value_is_unique 0 1 2 3 5 8 13
J boasts yet another specialization for tacit programming; whereas we’ve seen
the 3-train create a fork, a 2-train (which we express in terms of
by passing in identity
as either g
or h
) has its own
combinatorial meaning: it creates a hook, such that f g
behaves like x => f(x, g(x))
eachValueIsUnique: ~/ 1 ?:\
eachValueIsUnique 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
eachValueIsUnique 0 1 2 3 5 8 13
Other members of the array family tend to reserve 2-trains for simple function
composition, as we have seen in other K examples. In K, the specialized hook
behaviour can be achieved with n-dos
, where 1 g\ x
produces an array of
(x;g x)
, which we can then fold some f
over. If f
needed to be passed
g(x), x
, then we could reverse the array before folding.
Equivalently, we could use eachleft
in the same way we did to write mean
~/ (?:;::) @\: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
~/ (?:;::) @\: 0 1 2 3 5 8 13
Here, the second of the two functions we apply is ::
, the identity function.
const isAnagram = (x, y) => _.sortBy(x) === _.sortBy(y)
return isAnagram("live", "evil")
const isAnagram = under(_.isEqual, _.sortBy)
(def is-anagram (under deep= sort))
(is-anagram @"live" @"evil")
sort =: /:~
is_anagram =: -:&:sort
is_anagram =: -:&:sort
'evil' is_anagram 'live'
In J, dyadic under
is spelled Appose, &:
It’s worth noting that with only one argument, under
behaves just like
: x => _.isEqual(_.sortBy(x))
. (Thus, monadic Appose &:
equivalent to At @:
, which we’ve seen above!)
The noteworthy difference, then, is how we want to wield the innermost
function when given two or more arguments. Within compose(f, g)
, all those
arguments are passed to a single application of g
, and the result is passed
to f
. Within under
, g
is treated as a single-argument function and each
argument to the composition has g
called on it individually.
A technical detail here: unlike our apply
combinator, K’s .
doesn’t return a higher-order function; it eagerly applies its left operand
to its right.
In practice, this is a distinction without a difference. If we look at
Janet’s native apply
, which behaves similarly, we
see that its eager nature poses a problem for using in a combinatory style:
repl:1:> (def bases-and-exponents [[0 1] [1 2] [3 5] [8 13]])
((0 1) (1 2) (3 5) (8 13))
repl:2:> (map (apply math/pow) bases-and-exponents)
error: arity mismatch, expected 2, got 0
in math/pow [src/core/math.c] on line 306
in apply pc=11
in _thunk [repl] (tailcall) on line 2, column 6
That’s because Janet, like many languages, won’t do implicit partial
application (“currying”) of the apply
function. On the other hand, K will
automatically curry any function that hasn’t been given all of its
arguments. Here we see two ways to apply pow
to .'
, both of which
result in a new function rather than an arity mismatch.
pow: */#
pow .'
We’ve made our job a little more complex here by specifying a
spelling of pow
that goes base
, exponent
. In fact, this is also a
case that lends some credence to the argument that it’s better to simply spell
out a verb in full than to give that verb a name. The tacit version described
in apply
, which takes the exponent first, is not only terser, but in our
example, we precisely want to partially apply the exponent before specifying
the base. Thus we could equivalently spell std
std: % mean @ (*/#)[2;]' -/ 1 mean\