Hello, subscriber! I planned to describe this newsletter with a kind of apology or qualification for or of what I include here. But the fact is, it's just a gathering of things that have caught my attention recently, or that I've hung onto for a bit. and how could I apologize for or further qualify that? I could not and so do not. I trust you will find some of what follows to be of interest, at least for the the time being.
Item 1: Tell Me: Women Filmmakers, Women’s Stories gathers 22 films of varied length and technical achievement. There’s more than a few here that eluded me for many years, usually due to a lack of consistent distribution. They might surface occasionally but without the benefit of video release. In any case, landmarks of the Women’s Movement abound, crossing and class, race, and heritage. If there seems to be a concentration on the 1970s and 1980s, it’s because there is. Much of the work was carried out under the dual auspices of Second Wave Feminism and federal and state grant programs, both distinct production forces that perished under the first Reagan administration.
Item 2: I’ve begun a series at the blog call Day’s Plays which consists of what some friends and I have listened to in the courses of our given days. It’s been a nice diversion from the crush of recent events, a good way to stay in touch with people and what they’re listening to. Dig in.
Item 3: The Candyman shadowplay trailer is utterly captivating, very powerful.
Item 4: Stolen: Unfinished Portraits is a series of works by artist Adrian Brandon. "I use time as a medium to define how long each portrait is colored in. 1 year of life = 1 minute of color." Moving, evocative, conscientious work.
Item 5: Jawbox has confirmed some shows for 2021. Postponements, really, of what we thought we’d right now be looking back on fondly and with a sense of accomplishment and community. Details can be found at the Jawbox shows page.
Item 6: We are the broken metaphors of a cosmos that is beyond our comprehension. — Nick Cave