Zandra's new blog, post-cohost online life, and more!
Hey hi! Thank you so much for signing up for my newsletter! I promise not to flood your inbox with these; this will be only for the big news and updates, so expect one email a month at most. That said, I have a lot of news to share right now!
I have a new blog!
Cohost got me to like longform posting and I don't want to give it up! I miss that place dearly, but I'm doing my best to put into practice the lessons I've learned in my time there—and that means following blogs on RSS, leaving comments, and CONTINUING TO POST!
My blog is currently at and—here's the important bit—should not be moving in the foreseeable future. It took a lot of effort to finally establish some sort of foothold on an Actual Website I Own, but the advantage is that I own it! (shoutout to WordPress and to Aura who helped me wrangle the BlogHash theme into a configuration that I like)
This is where I'll be posting from now on; that includes regular longform posts, big effortposts with lots of pictures and formatting (like my Mega Man Romhack Sampler), link roundups of recent blog posts I like, answers to people's asks (see below), as well as a lot of personal favorites from my cohost.
It also has some fun features:
- an RSS feed you can follow so you can get posts delivered to the reader of your choice
- an Ask Me Anything! page because I love answering questions about my writing, my characters, or anything else really
- a little microblog in the corner so you can see what I'm microposting about on mastodon or the like
Please check it out! ^^ It's where I'll be the most active from now on.
I'm still on Patreon!
While a lot of my writing will end up on my blog, my Patreon patrons will still get early access to the major stuff, as well as free copies of my purchasable works (depending on supporter tier) like short stories and books! If you've ever liked something I wrote and want to help me keep writing, supporting me there is a great way to do it. <3
I have a very temporary website!
When all else fails, will point you to where I'm at! I'm still working on it; my current deadline for getting it fully functional as a catch-all, direct-people-to-what-I'm-doing destination is "whenever I print up new business cards".
I'm still writing!
My current work and longest story I've ever written Her Majesty The Prince is now only two chapters away from the end of Act II! (In case you missed it, Act I can be found here on my itch store.) It's a knight and princess body swap fantasy drama with messy relationships and lots of gender and it has taken over my life! I'm releasing new chapters in early access on my Patreon as I write them; you can check out more about it on
I also have a few other works that have been sitting on the back burner for entirely too long and that I plan on getting to very soon! More on that as they come closer to release.
I'm in the Queer Halloween Bundle!
Back again this year, the Queer Halloween Bundle has over 140 spooky queer games, books, comics and more for USD$60! (There's also a USD$10 version for lower income folks.)
I was pleased to have one of my light novels featured in the bundle last year, and I'm very happy to participate again this year! If you've never had the chance to pick up Substitute Familiar yet (my book about a one-time job as a witch's familiar that gets out of hand, featuring transformative magic and girls kissing), it's in the bundle this year!
That's it for now!
Thank you again for signing up to my newsletter; in this uncertain age for social media, I'm especially grateful that I'm able to keep in touch with you like this. There's never been a better time to read people's blogs, subscribe to their RSS feeds, and—most importantly—leave comments on the posts that resonate with you! Goodness knows that hearing back from folks like you has kept me going even during the hardest creative days.
See you next time, and please take care! <3