exact sequences
clubs and countesses
February 1, 2025
Kind readers, It's been a good week for me as a writer and a terrible week to be a human in the United States. I'm going to focus on the good news here--...
lists and monuments
January 19, 2025
Kindest of readers, I'm back in Michigan after several weeks in the Pacific Northwest. The days are longer, but I've had to restart the process of coaxing...
podcasts and photons
December 19, 2024
Gentle readers, I have a new poem, a podcast, a review, and a meditation on small presses to offer you! The poem is "Beyond the Standard Model". It's in the...
literary cousins
December 5, 2024
Happy December! North Continent Ribbon is in Esquire's list of 30 best sci-fi books of 2024, and I'm absolutely preening. There's a lovely capsule review:...
giants and motorcycles
November 14, 2024
Gentlest of readers, It has been a weird month--and, in Michigan at least, a paradoxically beautiful one, with glorious warm fall weather that foreshadows...
murmurations and jaguars
September 19, 2024
Delightful readers, Today I bring you ebooks, some images of me reading aloud, and a gorgeously evocative bit of mathematical vocabulary. Ebooks first! North...
barberries and bookmarks
September 12, 2024
Most delightful of readers, I have a schedule of readings and signings to offer you--as well as an essay about "Fisher of Stars," strategies for buying...
north continent's birthday
August 20, 2024
Kindest of readers, It's a glorious summer evening and my collection of interwoven stories, North Continent Ribbon, has now been released. You can order it...
north continent invitations
August 14, 2024
Gallant readers, North Continent Ribbon comes out next week! We're celebrating with a Zoom event the evening of August 22, hosted by Argo Bookshop in...
Glasgow and other glamorous locations
August 1, 2024
Happy August! I intentionally buried a lede in my previous letter. Let me take the opposite tack in this message. Here's a quick preview of everything I want...
reviews and salamanders
July 24, 2024
Worthiest of readers, I bring you a combination of reviews, cats, and (precursors to) dragons. Let's start with the dragons and their humbler relatives. I've...
toolboxes and towers
July 3, 2024
Happy Fourth of July eve! I've recently returned from a trip variously involving multiple mathematical institutes, nerding out with fellow medieval names...
poetry, prizes, and Palestine
June 11, 2024
Fairest of readers, I have good news to share about award nominations (or fractions thereof) and sad things to say about war--together, because they are...
parallelograms over the entryway
May 25, 2024
Happy incipient Memorial Day (or, if you're in the UK, happy incipient bank holiday)! My story Flannelfeet is out in the world, just in time for the long...
fake shadows and real elliptic curves
April 6, 2024
Kind readers, Things continue to happen! Here are many tidbits of news. On the North Continent Ribbon front, the Neon Hemlock Kickstarter is now finished,...
the heartbeat of the universe
March 25, 2024
Valorous readers, This letter includes poetry, mix tapes, and a very important question about dumplings. Let's start with the poetry. My poem "Ansibles" is...
sky yachts and oracles
March 13, 2024
Worthiest of readers, This letter is full to the brim with stories and collections. I reviewed Ann Leckie's Lake of Souls recently, which is one of those...
covers and kickstarts
February 29, 2024
Intrepid readers, It's a week full of news involving the planet of Nakharat. My story collection North Continent Ribbon is seeming ever more real. Yoon Ha...
chromium or dumplings
January 14, 2024
Happy New Year! My poem "Hexavalent" is in the January/February issue of Analog (my first time in the magazine!) Here's Gennoveus modeling with my...
love and monsters
November 11, 2023
Gentle readers, Today I released a game! Monster in the Wilderness by yarntheory "Monster in the Wilderness" is a one-player role-playing game. It took me a...
once and future poems
September 19, 2023
Gallant readers, Rosalind's Siblings, which contains my post-societal-crumbling protest poem "Circle Packing," is officially released today. I can also...
those tiny red eyes
September 2, 2023
Happy almost-Labor Day! My poem "Olympia" is in the September/October issue of Asimov's Science Fiction. It begins: Time is only distance. I’m choosing a...
dungeons, dragons, and inspirational messages
August 18, 2023
Greetings from the height of summer! I have two different kinds of autobiographical essay to tell you about this week. The first is The Gamemaster’s Guide to...
queen of the dead
July 25, 2023
Fearless readers, My poem Persephone takes up the garnets is now free to read at The Deadlands--or you can purchase the entire issue as an ebook! Here is a...
weak force, strong force
July 4, 2023
Happy July! I have two small pieces of math-adjacent news for you. The first is that the science-fiction-about-scientists anthology Rosalind's Siblings is...
assassins and monodromy
June 17, 2023
Gentle readers, My story Closer than your kidneys is up at Frivolous Comma! This is the story of an assassin, Tashnur, who finds herself falling in love with...
North Continent Ribbon
May 21, 2023
Valiant readers, I have news in the shape of a book! Neon Hemlock Press will be publishing my interwoven collection of short stories North Continent Ribbon...
graded by a ghost
April 23, 2023
Happy day-after-Earth-Day! Asimov's has posted the beginning of my novelette "The Fifteenth Saint" on its website. It's a substantial excerpt, with lots of...
a book with one page
April 17, 2023
O most sagacious newsletter subscribers, Today I can direct you to a story! My novelette "The Fifteenth Saint" is in the May/June issue of Asimov's, which...
garnets and pie
March 18, 2023
Happy almost-equinox! My poem “Persephone takes up the garnets” will be in The Deadlands later this year–I just signed the contract yesterday. The poem is...
I shall be a felt windbreak
February 6, 2023
Dear friends, I signed a contract this morning with Frivolous Comma: they’re going to publish my story “Closer than your kidneys” this summer! “Kidneys” is...
New Zealand suburbs and nonbinding polls
January 11, 2023
Happy New Year! I began the year in the manner traditional for me, which means I went from the bosom of my family straight to the largest math conference in...
pro rate and pumpkin pancakes
December 1, 2022
Good morning on the first of December! The photo above shows my current knitting project and a piece of Advent calendar lemon chocolate. I realized, when I...
Asimov's, Analog, and circus factions
November 25, 2022
O perspicacious newsletter subscribers, This week I signed contracts for two different poems: "Hexavalent" will be my first publication in Analog, and...