Week 2 of Counting the Omer: GEVURAH
The second week of counting the Omer begins after sundown this evening! If you’ve missed a day or haven’t even started, you can join in any time (guidance is generally to do the count without the blessing once you’ve missed a full 24 hours).
Quick reminder that I’m hosting a low key, unstructured hang at 8:30 pm on Tuesday evenings (Eastern Standard Time) for anyone who wants to count and chat about the weekly sephirah with others.

If you don’t have a resource you’re using and don’t have a copy of Omer Reflections, I’ve got you. I’ll be adding a new handout to this shared folder every week with the weekly sephirah coloring page, and this week (Gevurah) is already available (see Week 1 handout to access some of the intro pages from my journal for quick reference):
It’s also time for the next round of Music League! The Omer Counters league is creating a weekly playlist (based on the sephirah of the week) that generates in time for the weekend and allows for voting on your favorite picks each week. Join us!
If you make anything to share with the world during this process, tag me or use #omerreflections so that I can enjoy and celebrate your creative process!
I hope that this week offers you insight into your most discerning and intentional boundaries and that strength’s interplay with all of the aspects of our being.