Cocoon Exit & New Offering
Hey there,
It's been a long while. 2023 attempted to fling this Jew off of a COVID cliff, but after several months in a forced-then-self-imposed cocoon I am reemerging, upgraded from chronically ill to disabled, sporting new diagnostic answers like badges on a scout sash, and garbed almost constantly in t-shirts that flip the bird literally or figuratively at something.
I have clearly maintained a sense of humor. Just ask my sticker and t-shirt collections.

It's hard to know what to share to bring this newsletter into the present. I won't try to pull all of you through every notable point in time since my last ramble, but here are some of the highlights:
I completed a second year of counting the Omer and really clinched my identity as an Omer Jew. Last year's process was really an anchor during a time when I needed it, and my crew of counting comrades grew in number in a really great way.
We added a second fur buddy to our family last summer. His name is Romeo and he is a very sassy gentleman. He has an uncanny ability to know when I need to sit down despite having no training as a service dog whatsoever, and he sits very still for his priestly blessing on shabbat.
I recent left my local synagogue, which was a really difficult decision, and then I shared about it, which was really scary but resulted in overwhelmingly supportive DMs and comments, proving that sometimes saying the vulnerable stuff is what confirms we're not even close to alone. The experience also gave me hope for what future Judaism looks like and how many of us want to get there.
I designed and launched fundraiser apparel on Bonfire that generates funds for the Rachel Corrie Foundation. That offering is up and running indefinitely, and my tee and sweatshirt have both held up well, quality-wise, even with frequent wear.

I recently had some creative content and my recently created custom digital Hebrew font chosen for inclusion in Pillar of Fire, a haggadah I'm excited to be a part of. Pre-orders are open now for this resource that will help some of us navigate Passover in really meaningful ways. My very talented friend Jay is featured as well!
So, those are the highlights I can think of over the past year. On to the big thing.
The last thing isn't a thing to catch up on... it's a NEW THING. I really wanted to create an offering for counting the Omer this year and everything has aligned in time for me to be able to really focus on it for the past few weeks and actually launch this year, thanks to a new connection with Pushcart Judaica (more on that to come as we get things up and running).
I'd like to introduce you to...
The Omer Reflections Coloring Journal.

I am REALLY excited to share an Omer counting resource after two years of making friends, art, and new realizations about myself and my Jewishness every year between Passover and Shavuot.
I've tried to include some primers, nods to the resources that I've enjoyed, artwork and written reflection from my own Omer counting, space for creativity (coloring pages!) and room for note-taking.
There are also two extra ways to buy the digital version that allow you the option to share the digital files with 3 or 4 friends, encouraging that folks create a chevruta vibe and build community through counting.

Alllllll of the info on this offering can be found here, including a link to purchase a copy if you're so moved.
The digital copy is available right now and the print copies will be available for sale very soon, copies likely shipping this weekend and next week!
If you stick with me here in this email space, I'll be sending out some digital Omer counting goodies from the journal every week so that everyone can have a little something to spark continued counting throughout. I'm mulling over some additional ways that we can connect while counting as well. Stay tuned!
Let's count, color, create, and communicate when the time comes! More soon.