XOTV Profitability -- XOTV Weekly
We have been featured in FIPP once again! This time with a more in-depth look into how XOTV interacts with legacy media, and how they've inspired us.
We also have uploaded a session with one of our creators, Erica Swift, who gives a real look into the life of a new XOTV creator.
If you have a friend who might enjoy what we're doing in this corner of the internet, send us their way! If you were forwarded this email by a friend who knows you so well, you can sign up here!
Are you interested in writing for XOTV Weekly or promoting XOTV as one of our partners? Email katie@xotv.me to learn more about our programs.
This week's Everything XOTV Vlog!
A question we receive almost daily is: how is this profitable? How are you making money taking care of so many creators without data mining? Our COO and CEO get into the thick of it and explain exactly what we're doing to turn a profit. Watch the vlog here.
Creative Brainstorming
Need a kick in the pants to create your next blog, vlog, or song? Here's a list of 650 prompts guaranteed to inspire you in one way or another to create your next piece of art. Find the list from the Learning Network and New York Times here.
And lastly, we are partnered with the wonderful Culturs to create this newsletter. Culturs is the home for people who straddle the intersections of Race, Ethnicity, culture, home and more.