Is My Content Good Enough? -- XOTV Weekly
Is your content ~good enough~? Many creators struggle with confidence in their work -- is the quality high enough? Is the content engaging and interesting? We're here to give you the real answer you've been searching for in this week's vlog with Franz. Watch it here!
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This week's Everything XOTV Vlog
Talk with CEO Franz Ressel about why your content is good enough in this week's Everything XOTV Vlog.
Get Your Project Funded!
Have a dream creative project but just can't make it work financially? Check out funds and grants for artists around the world like Creative Capital for a chance to get your content funded!
And lastly, we are partnered with the wonderful Culturs to create this newsletter. Culturs is the home for people who straddle the Intersections of Race, Ethnicity, culture, home and more.