Finding a Balance -- XOTV Weekly
Where’s the balance between passion and business? How do you stay motivated to create even when creativity is eluding you? Franz Michael made this week’s vlog about that exact topic! Watch the video here, or scroll down to learn more about it.
Are you interested in more creative support like what we outline in our vlogs? Contact the team to learn more about the ways we can support your technical requests, and also your human ones as a creator. We’re here to help with editing and burnout.
If you have a friend who might enjoy what we’re doing in this corner of the internet, send us their way. If you were forwarded this email by a friend who knows you so well, you can sign up here.
This week’s Everything XOTV Vlog
Building a business from the ground up can mean that you no longer get to wait for creativity to strike, you must seek it out! Franz Michael knows this more than anyone, and breaks down the steps for you here.
All of our workshops from the past two months are uploaded onto XOTV for you to watch again and again! You can find them here. Once you watch those, let us know which workshops you’d like us to offer next. Email Katie ( to let her know now.
And lastly, we are partnered with the wonderful Culturs to create this newsletter. Culturs is the home for people who straddle the Intersections of Race, Ethnicity, culture, home and more.