WICCA News and Events
Hi there!
And we’re BACK! After the Summer School, we take a month break and return with… CLOUD SECURITY!
Or better said… KUBERNETES SECURITY!!!
Magno Logan, one of the top cloud security researchers in the world, will give his Kubernetes Security 101 workshop to WICCA.
Kubernetes Security 101: Best Practices to Secure your Cluster
This workshop is Saturday the 25th of September 15:00 - 18:00 CEST.
Requirements: Have an AWS account. Know how to use an IDE. Basic understanding of git and YAML.
This workshop aims to give an overview of how Kubernetes works and provide some best practices to secure your cluster whenever you are deploying a new cluster on your own or via managed services such as GKE, EKS, or AKS. We are going to cover everything from the Control Plane or the Master Node, starting with the API server, including etcd, RBAC, and network policies. Then, we’ll cover the worker nodes, kubelet, audit logs and pods best practices. We’ll talk about the CIS Benchmarks for Kubernetes and the default configurations you need to worry about when deploying a new cluster. We’ll show how to use RBAC and assign roles and permissions to your cluster users. We’ll demonstrate how to enable audit logs for better visibility and later we’ll set up some network policies to avoid communication between pods and prevent any lateral movement from attackers.
Sign up here: https://www.meetup.com/nl-NL/wiccaNL/events/280312936/
WICCA Summer School
Was a blast! If you weren’t there but are curious you can see all the sessions here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHn3kQt1fbdfuxuEuMvjygJVIN8pzvsYE
If you did attend: please check your inbox for emails from events@womenofwicca.nl, we need some info to send you the certificate!
WICCA Discord
If you want to chat with each other or learn from each other we can do so in our very own discord! The Discord is intentionally kept small and for regular meetup visitors. Behave yourself or you will get kicked.
Join here: https://discord.gg/bwhGYPeA (link is valid for a limited time, please contact us if it’s not valid anymore)
See you soon!
Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet,
Chantal + Valentine + Faith
The WICCA Team