Upcoming Event: WICCA x TenneT
Hi everyone,
On the 24th of May we will be visiting TenneT in Arnhem. It is gonna be a very exciting meetup because TenneT is the national electricity transmission system operator of the Netherlands, and thus very important for the Netherlands. Controlled and owned by the Dutch government, it is responsible for overseeing the operation of the 380 and 220 kV high-voltage grid throughout the Netherlands and its interconnections with neighbouring countries.
Powerful meetup, right? ;)
WICCA x TenneT
There is a lot of space (80 attendees) but it is in Arnhem (far away from the randstad) so plan your trip :)
TenneT TSO
Utrechtseweg 310
6812 AR, Arnhem
WICCA Summerschool
You might remember our WICCA Summerschool for getting a grasp on the entire security landscape from some time ago. Well we are doing it again, but with a different topic!
We are super happy and proud to announce that Summer School 2023 is on! Thanks to our lovely WICCAN Tess at Unixerius we will teach you all the DevSecOps Fundamentals.
The perfect opportunity to learn something new!
DevSecops is an evolution of DevOps, by including more and more security into the process. You may have heard the term "shift-left security" in many marketing materials. We're going to help you understand what that means!
Unixerius are sponsoring this WICCA Summer School training; it is free to attend.
The training takes place:
Monday July 24th, through Friday July the 28th.
Five days, from 09:00-16:00.
At MAC3Park in Almere Buiten (travel information here).
You need to attend the entire training in person.
From the inbox
The Rijksoverheid contacted us with an invite for an online event that might be interesting for us. The invite is in Dutch:
Tech event @Rijksoverheid #security – gratis online event op 22 juni
Ben je benieuwd aan welke vraagstukken securityspecialisten bij de Rijksoverheid werken?
Of wil je weten hoe je als securityspecialist kunt bijdragen aan het verbeteren van de digitale veiligheid van Nederland? Meld je dan aan voor een gratis ticket voor het online Tech event @Rijksoverheid #security op donderdagmiddag 22 juni van 15.00 tot 17.00 uur. Ben je verhinderd? Meld je dan ook aan en ontvang de terugkijklink.
Laat je inspireren
Luister naar interessante verhalen uit de dagelijkse praktijk van securityspecialisten bij de Rijksoverheid
Stel online live vragen aan securityspecialisten van diverse organisaties van de Rijksoverheid
Volg het rondetafelgesprek, waar verschillende securityspecialisten met elkaar in gesprek gaan over actuele thema’s binnen hun vakgebied
Laat je verrassen door de vele carrièremogelijkheden op standplaatsen door heel Nederland
Maak gebruik van de gelegenheid om ook na het event laagdrempelig in contact te komen met de organisaties die zich presenteren
Programma en sprekers
Presentaties van Kelly van der Woning, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) bij de Justitiële Informatiedienst (Justid), en Marcel de Graaf, CISO ketenregisseur informatiebeveiliging en privacy bij het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat.
Rondetafelgesprek met onder anderen Stef Schinagl van het UWV.
Meer informatie over het event vind je hier. Aanmelden kan via dit formulier.
If you have missed it: We are organizing WICCON this year \0/
Save the date: October 31, 2023.
"WICCON wasn't built in a day." — some wise wiccan lady
So we are working hard on everything: wiccon.nl (if you want to get involved in the before conference stage let us know!)
Final thoughts
Did you know we have a Discord? We do! You can find it here: https://discord.gg/SMzB6Cks
We have a blog! https://womenofwicca.nl/blog/ Want to publish your own article? Reach out to us.
See you soon!
Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet,
Chantal + Valentine + Faith
The WICCA Team