International Women's Day
Hey everyone!
We got a GENIUS spontaneous idea to celebrate International Women's Day. We never did anything like this before, but we think it's time to show the world who we are.
We would like to make a compilation of clips from all members of our group saying "Happy Women's Day!" or a variation thereof and put it out there for everyone to see.
Do you want to participate? It's easy. All you have to do is make a clip of yourself and upload it here before March 6, so we have a two-day buffer before Women's Day. It's Google Drive, so if you don't have or wish to use a Google account, you can send us your clip by email.
Sorry about the rush, but we basically just got this idea today... We'll do the editing ourselves, paste all the clips together, and turn it into a moving and inspirational montage for future generations of girls who want to become hackers.
We hope as many of you participate! The more of your beautiful faces we show, the more awesome this video will be.
All the best,
The WICCA Team