Do Things Scared
A newsletter by L.V. Hartley / WOLF PIT MACHINE
NEW STUFF: The Latest from Yours Truly
** Released a new discount minizine entitled 'Fictional Tastes' which you can find ordering information for by clicking the link! Honestly though, this one's fun & so silly that I'd send you the digital version if you asked me.
** I am officially the host of a local coffee shop’s new writing club! There will be bi-monthly meetings, one workshop style & the other social style to accommodate different writerly needs.
** I made a zine whilst attending Orlando Zine Meetup exploring my initial thoughts on the idea of the tragic misperception of the necessity of “talent” in artmaking. I will not be releasing this zine for ordering, but I will make either new zines based on this concept or some other form of writing!
** Got a promotion/raise at work! I cannot stop winning.
** Did hourly comics day this year on the 1st! Zine version to come once I finish inking it.
UN-POSTED: Thoughts to be Purged
** I may actually be bisexual. Many thoughts surrounding this that I intend to make a zine about as I do with many major thoughts.
** I am stronger than my allergies. I can willpower my way through them with ease & no one can stop me.
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